Chapter 17

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I take out my silver heart locket that I had as a kid. He bought it for me on one of his trips. I open the heart and see a picture of us smiling. Why did he have to give this to me now. A tear falls down my cheek.

"Are you sure that you are okay?" My mother asks.

"Just fine." I say calmly as I wipe away my tears. Just forget about it. You are getting married to the man you love tomorrow. No more dewelling on the past. I need to live in the now.


"Hey kiddo, want to go to the mall?" Phoenix asks with his boyish carefree smile.

"Sure." I grabbed my purse.

Once we got there. I was super happy when he held my hand. We walked in and checked out all of the store's till we came across a jewelry shop.

"This place looks nice let's go in." He smiles at me and I nod with my flushed cheeks.

Once we enter I start to look around, I've always wanted a locket but I could never find one.

"Looking for this?" He holds up a silver heart locket.

"Yes. it's perfect." I gush as I take it.

"All you need now is a picture for it." He smiles happily.

"Sure, we can take one at the photo booth over there." I point at the photo booth that is always there.

"Of course." He buys me the locket and we take the pictures. Making smiles, funny faces, serious face and the last one was a kiss. It was my first kiss and I put that picture in the locket.


I stare at the picture remembering that happy moment in my life. Why did he have to come back now when I've just moved on.

"Sweetie are you sure you are okay?" My mom asks. Ugh, can't she leave me alone.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." I say as I put the locket back in the box. It's time to put this in the past. I put the box in my pocket as I open the door.

"Are you getting cold feet?" My mother asks suspiciously. If only.

"No, I'm just worried if this wedding will be too much. I just want to marry him and get it over with." I say exhausted of all this planning and Phonies coming back, it's too much. Why did this have to happen now of all times?

"Don't worry okay, everything is going to go as plan. I'm gonna go check on your father to see if he's okay, you just relax alright sweetheart." My mom tells me calmly before she leaves the room.

I sit on the edge of the bed trying to concentrate on my breathing. Alright, tomorrow is your bachelorette party, which consists of me and my mom hanging out for the day, then I marry my love. It should go smoothly but why do I have a feeling something will go terribly wrong.

I sigh as I lay back onto the bed. "I just need some sleep that's it." I tell myself, but I know that I'm still not convinced that's it. Okay, I should just get rest and figure everything out in the morning.

I shut my eyes and drift off into a hopefully peaceful sleep.


I am in my wedding dress with all my hair and makeup up done. The music begins to play and I start to walk down the aisle. It is my envision ment of my perfect wedding. I walked up the my future husband standing next to me. I don't see who it is, but the perched begins.

"Do you take this women to be you lawfully wedded wife till death do you part?" He asks.

I don't really hear the voice but he says the words, "I do."

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband till death do you part?" He asks me.

"I do." I say with a big smile.

"You may now kiss the bride." He announces.

The groom lifts up my veil, but it's not the man I was expecting. "Phoenix, what's going on?" I say in a panic.

"We are getting married." His twist smirk turns my stomach.

"Where's Hinder? What have you done to him?" I cry out with fear.

"Did you forget that I killed him sweetheart. I killed him just for you." His evil smirk made me shiver with fear.

"No, no." Tears stream down my eyes as I stumble backwards. "This can't be happening."

He catches me by my waist and pulls me close to him. "Till death do us part." He whisper darkly.

"No!" I scream.


I shoot up in a sitting position as I try to slow my heart beat. That didn't happen, Hinder is still alive. I begin to cry from the dream.

A knock on the door makes me jump. Who could that be? Did mom leave her room key?

I walk up to the door trying not to make a noise. I make it to the door and look through the peep hole. Oh, it's just Hinder. I smile as I open the door. "Hey." Tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

"What's wrong babe?" He closes the door behind him as he picks me up and lays me down in his arms on the bed. "Tell me what happened babe." He whispers gently in my ear.

"I had a dream, well more like a nightmare." I say trying to calm down.

"And what happened?" He asks calmly, which calms me down.

"It was our wedding day. Everything looked perfect. I was so happy. We said our vows, but then went you went to kiss me, it wasn't you." I whisper horsley.

"Who was it?" He asks worried.

"Phoenix. He said that he killed you for me. And I tried to run, but he got me." Tears start to stream down my face.

"Hey, I will not let him near you. I promise to protect you, forever." With that promise I passed out. Hinder is my forever.

I hoped you all liked the surprise of what's in the box. Yeah I didn't want to make it a cliche wedding ring, or something too complicated as in a key. I wanted to keep it simple and meaningful.
So the end is coming soon. I know it's only a few chapters away from the ending. Which is awesome, but it makes me sad. So tell me how you think it's going to end? It just might end the way you want.
Enjoy this story and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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