Chapter 8

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I open the door and there she stood in all pink. God I hate that color, I hate her. But I put on a fake to match her's.

"Rebel hey girl" she hugs me tight and I pat her back three times. It's what I do when people hug, I'm just not a people person. Remember I had no friends growing up so don't judge.

"Sarah what brings you here" I pull away so we are arms length.

"Well" she invites herself in by stepping into my home. She is wearing too much pink I never thought it was possible. She is wearing a pink tank top to match her pink short shorts and pink tights with her pink pumps. How many times did I say pink because I feel pretty drunk now. "I wanted to celebrate of course" she continues as she looks around my house. Hey princess stop that you're just going hurt your brain with all that thinking.

"Celebrate what" I ask havig no idea what she is talking about.

"You winning cutest couple with Hinder" she faces me with a fake smile. If I could just...

"We won" Hinder takes both our attention. Oh I forgot he was still here.

"This is perfect now since we have the couple right here" she squeals with excitement. Oh dear lord what is she planning?

"Yeah, so what were you planning on" Hinder asks confused. He can obviously read my mind right, he always seems to know what I'm thinking.

"Well I was thinking a party at my house around seven, my parents aren't home so it's free reign" she shakes her no existent butt. It's kind of sad watchig this, but it's her so it's enjoyable.

"Okay we'll be there" I say trying to get her out of my house.

"Sweet wear these" she gives me a tiara and a crown. It's not prom is it?

"Thanks will do" I smile down at her.

"Well see you there at seven " she walks out finally. Oh thank god. I close the door and I sigh. I hate parties, I hate a lot of things, god I'm negative.

"Do you really want to go" Hinder asks unsure. I thought he would love to go.

"I think we have to, it's a party for us winning cutest couple" I laugh. How ironic, since we finally just went on a date to only have a fight.

"I know it's kind of funny" he walked up to me pinning me on the door as he stood over me like a tower. A very sexy tower with a leather jacket.

"Yes it is" my breathing has become heavier. Crap, he can see that he effects me, like he always has. I blush mad at myself and kind of turned on by Hinder. And his sexy leather jacket, I know I'm obsessed. I smell the sweet leather making me breathless. God damn that leather jacket.

"Second date" he grins and I can't help biting my bottom lip. Oh god what have I turned into?

"Of course" I giggle. Oh dear lord kill me now before anything else happens.

"You are super cute when you giggle" he leans closer making my smile drop to a serious face. I can't keep my eyes off his soft lips. Oh god what am I turning into. His lips pressed on mine with need and passion and I returned it with full force. God I loved the taste of him even when we weren't dating his lips just felt right. We kissed for about 3 minutes before he released me. Both of us gasping for air.

"We should get ready" I say with our breathing back to normal.

"Ready for what" he ask confused. Did he seriously just forget?

"The party you dork" I shake my head laughing at him.

"Oh, I thought we weren't going to go. Do we have to" he whines like a child. He is a child thatis for sure.

"Yes it's a party for us, now go get ready" I tell him.

"Fine" he grumbles and heads back to my room as I laugh at him. God it's fun bossing him around, but it's even better being his girlfriend.

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