Chapter 12

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Hinder got a job to pay for the apartment, and so did I. We have been moving in our furniture and basically moving in together, but I'm still living at home. Graduation and then my birthday. Everything seems to becoming to an end, well a beginning of my new life with Hinder. We haven't had any other problems with our ex employers. Everything seems to be going well.

"Can you believe we are finally graduating" Hinder asks with a big smirk. He looks super cute in those robes.

"Yes, now let's go get to our seats" I tell hom as we head to our alphabetically labeled seat. I am in he C's since my last name is Conner, while Hinder is in the M's since his last name is Marks.

We sit in our spots along with the rest of the class till the principal start's and talks about how we are such a good class. That is so wrong, the senior prank was his underwear on the flag pole. I know I go to school with inventive morons. He continued till he annouced our vaild dictorian on stage. "Please welcome Starry Wrong" he announced and everyone clapped.

Starry was a short blonde with bright blue eyes and the smarts student at our school. "Um, hello follow graduates I am proud to be here with all of you today" she started. My ass, she probably hates half this school expect her tall boyfriend on the basketball team, James Right. If it wasn't for him she would have still been bullied.

"High school was an amazing journey on this trip called life. We've all had detours, flats and other problems on the way but it's got us here. And now it's taking us farther on this trip to the real world. I'm excited to say that these four years were the most educational and best years of my life" she smiled. That's only because of James of course.

"Now that we have finished high school we must go on our next journey. I wish all of you well and hope you find your meaning in life. Congratulations class of 2016. I'm out of here so all of you who picked on me can suck it" she yelled out before walking of the stage. Tons of people, especially cheered her for the last part especially. I'm so proud of her for doing that.

"Now it's time to give the diplomas out" the principal says. He goes by each name which seems to take hours. It did take hours. Before it was all over and everyone got to talk.

"Starry" I walk up to her as she smiles at me. We were partners in science class once and we basically became good friends.

"Rebel" she hugs me and I hug her back. "So what did you think of the speech" she asks nervously stepping back into her boyfriends arms.

"Best endig ever" I tell her with a big smirk. It so was though.

"Thanks so much and congratulations" she tells me before she goes off with James to her family. I walk with Hinder to his place still in our robes.

"Can you believe it. We are college students now" Hinder smirks.

"I know right, and soon to be roommates" I giggle as we hold hands.

"Yup, you will be the best roommate ever" he smirks as we stop at our corner. "I love this corner" he says fondly.

"So do I " I kiss his nose.

"Yes, I have something to ask you" he said serious. What can this be about?

"Than ask me" I tell him. He's such a silly goose.

"Okay" he let out a deep breath. He got down on one knee still holding my hand. Oh my god, he isn't? "Rebel Conner will you do the honor of being my wife" he pulled out a ring his pocket. It was a emerald, my favorite gem. Oh my god he is.

"Yes I will" I almost cry as I nod. He smiles skilling the ring on my finger. It's looks so good, oh my lord. Tears of joy fall down my cheek. He kisses me passionately as I kiss him back. We basically run home to his apartment.

"My fiance" he grins holding me in his arms. We head to the bedroom where we make passionate love for my first time.

I lay in his arms as he looks down at me. "You are so beautiful. I love you" he kisses me softly.

"I love you too" I smile nuzzling my face in his chest. I fall asleep in his strong arms thinking of one thing only. I will love you forever.


Important Author's note. The next chapter is a very big one and super important to the story. And I hope you have been enjoying this story story so far, please tell me. I'm serious the next chapter is super important, do not skip it.

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