Chapter 4

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The loud knock on my window made me jump. I slowly raised mu curtians to revealing Hinder all beat up and bruises. I open he window so we can talk.

"May I come in" he asks politely.

"Yes, and you know the rules" I move out of the way to he can jump in, landing on my bed as usual. He takes off his shoes and throws them on the floor. Then he jumps in landing with his back on the bed staring up at me. He always stares at me as if he's never seen me before, which pisses me off. I cross my arms and look away. "Come on I don't have all night" I tell him making him sit up and close my window.

"Are you happy now empress" he gives me a snarky remark.

"Very, now take off your shirt and follow me" I tell him as I head to the bathroom. He comes in with just his six pack and cut up, wore out jeans.

"Now what" he asks standing in the door way.

"On the toilet, I'm going to fix you up" I take out my first aid kit from the cupboard under the sink.

"What are you an E.M.T." he asks looking at my first aid kit. Yes it's big and well it does look like it belongs to and EMT, so.

"No, both of my parents are doctor's, I told you this" I take out a cotton ball and rubbing alcohol, I first dap the cut on his left eyebrow.

"Ow that stings" he hisses. I roll my eye'sat him.

"You are such a baby, and why do you look so bad this time. I've never had to bandage you up" I make him hold the cotton ball. I grab some ice packs as I crack them and they instantly cools. I wrap them in the hand towel and put it on his ribs. He hisses in pain as he looks down at me. I take off the ice pack and wrap him with gauzes.

"My dad was very angry, and drunk" his voice was soft. I put ice packs on each bruise. I put a band aid on his eyebrow and the cut on his left cheek.

"I'm sorry" I say kindly as I finish up. He keeps looking down at his hands. "Take off your pants" I say looking back at my first aid kit.

"What" he asked confused.

"I want to see if there is any cuts and scratches on your legs" I tell him with concern on my eye's.

"Alright" he smiles looking into my eye's. He wipes the tear sliding down my cheek bringing me back to reality.

"Pants. Off, now" I tell him trying to destract myself. Why does my gaurd always come down around him?

"Will you ever tell me why you hide your pain" he asks obviously struggling with his pants. I secretly smile, not at his struggle, but because of him. Why does he always make me feel safe?

"Do you need help" I ask looking at him. I can't help but look at the ridiculous position he is in.

"Nah I got this" he says struggling to shimmy them off. I can't help but laugh at him. Male's and their ego's.

"Let me help you " I laugh as I take off his jeans. I get him back to a normal sitting position. I observe his legs seeing a big bruise on his right shine. "What happened" I ask putting a ice back on it.

"He tripped me, then kicked me in the ribs before proceeding to beat me" he says with only pain and sorrow.

"Why do you let him do this" I ask staring him in the eye's. Why would he do this, when he knows he could easily beat him.

"Because he's my father" he says before looking away from me. The only thing I will never understand about Hinder, is why he let's his father beat him.

"When your ready come back to my room" I say as I hand him the spare he gave me when ever he comes over. I packed up and put my first aid kit back before going back to my room. I then remember that the whole time I was only wearing my button up night shirt and my underwear. I look at the bathroom and wonder. Why do I feel so comfortable with him? Why does he make me feel this way? What does mean to me? All I can do is wonder as I sit down on my bed.

"Hey" he stood in the door frame looking at me. He smiles as he sits down next to me before he cringes with pain then puts on his smile again. "What's wrong" he asks kindly. When I look at him why do I see...

"Nothing" I say taking that thought out of my head.

"Can I sleep with you tonight" he asks with his smile, but I still see him in pain.

"On the couch" I roll my eye's at him. I see a look of disappointment on his face as he heads to the couch in my room. The couch is a pull out bed and well it was already pulled out. He got up cringing still from his bruised rib cage. He gor under the covers as he was ready to sleep.

"Goodnight" he said as I got under the covers.

"Goodnight Hinder" I smile as I flick off my light. I close my eye's ready to sleep.

"Rebel" he called out.

"Yes Hinder" I say back wide awake now. What's the point in sleeping?

"Thank you, not for just helping me but being my friend" he says. In all honesty I've never had a friend. Are we just friends? What does he mean to me?

"No problem partner" I say awkwardly. I'm not a people person don't judge me.

"Partner. You know you'rethe onlu friend I have ever had, besides my older brother" he laughed and I could tell he was smiling.

"Yeah, the guy who trained me was my friend" I say thinking of him, which only brought me pain. "Goodnight Hinder, sleep tight" I tell him wiping my tear away. Crap, I let my gaurd down. Why does he make me feel this way? Why do I feel safe? Why do I feel like I can trust him? What does he mean to me? Why can't I answer these questions?

"Goodnight Rebel, sweet dreams" he says breaking my train of thought. It's because I care about him.

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