Chapter 3

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I head home, but I think of how we became partners or to everyone else boyfriend and girlfriend. I guess it had to do with me quiting my job.

It was the day after that amazing kiss with Hinder. To be honest it was my first kiss. I felt likw crap because it was a total cliché. But now that I have gotten to close I knew that I had to quit before they fired me.

I met up with my informant who was always shady. I handed him my resignation form without a word.

"What's this" he asks me. Looking at me strangely.

"Just give it to the boss" I say before walking away. I knew then there was no turning back now. My mission got to close and now, well I had to leave before they could kill me.

I went to school as usual but on my way Hinder showed up out of the blue.

"So what brings you here" he asks casually, but I can tell something is up with him.

"What is it" I ask as we head to school. You can say I'm not much for friends or even small talk. I'm not really a personal person so don't judge how I am, it's just me.

"Well, you see I kind of quit the 'Company', so I on my own" he says taking a deep sigh.

"So" I say like my usual emotionless self.

"I was just telling you I'm not trying to kill you, well rather asking for your help" he said calmly and quitely.

"And what kind of help are you asking of me" I ask curious of what he has to say. What does he want?

"I need a partner and well everyone thinks we are a couple, plus your good in a fight..." he seemed to drag on.

"Just get to the point" I interupt him.

"Will you partner up with me just incase our ex employers try to kill us" he asks.

"How do you know that I quit" I ask suspiciously.

"It's obvious, it's what I did and well I kind of followed you" he said unsure of himself. More like unsure of my reaction, that prick.

"So you stalked me, you really stalked me and now you want me to be your partner. How am I supposed to trust you" I say walking faster. No way are we going to be partners, ever.

"I was only making sure you were safe, it's what we will have to do if we are partners" he follows behind me. I stop and turn to face him. Damn it what does he have to have a point.

"If I agree, you will have to give me my space and only allowed to do stuff with my permission" I tell him. I'm going to be in charge, no matter what he thinks.

"Deal. We just have to use our relationship as cover up" he says with a fake smile.

"What relationship" I whisper as a growl.

"The one that happened last night" he moved closer putting his arms around my waist acting all lovie dovie.

"What are you doing " I ask quietly. Alright what the hell is going on?

"Sarah and her goons are right behind you sweet heart" he whispered in my ear before kissing my neck softly. Oh. I wrap my arms around his neck as his forehead touched mine.

"Alright, so our relationship being boyfriend and girlfriend" I ask through my face smile.

"Yes sweetie" he said out loud. Now I get it, and it is a good idea. What the hell.

"You have a deal, my honey buns" I kiss his lips softly before his took over to devour mine, to only leave me breathless and confused. How does he do that to me with just one kiss. I look at him confused and amazed.

"I've had a lot of practice sweet heart" he tells me as if reading my mind. Prev and a man whore, oh boy this is going to be fun. I think sarcastically with a sigh of grief. Why me?

"Good to know, now let me go perv" I whisper seriously before I turn around to Sarah and her minions. Maybe the relationship won't be too bad. I smirk at all the jealous looks on their faces.

"Morning Rebel and Hinder" Sarah says with her fake cheerful voice thro7gh her fake happy smile. To all honesty Sarah has always been fake. She always wants to prove herself more than she really is. And that is why I have never liked her, because she's no herself, she's what people think they like.

"Morning ladies, me and my girl here are just heading to first period, how about you gals " Hinder says kindly and appropriately. Alright, he maybe good with people, whih might be useful.

"We are doing the same" Carmen, one of the minions giggle shyly. My god these girls are sad and desperate.

"Great, hope you have a good day" and like that they were behind us now. Maybe this can get me away from all the attention.

"Thank you" I say quietly.

"Whay did you say I can't hear you" he says sarcastically, obviously making fun of me. Prick, he'll only get one thank you from me.

"You heard me" I huff crossing my arms.

"Just wanted to see if I was hearing it right" he smiles.

"Whatever" I roll my eye's with a secret smile on my face. It was a hard start with our hate for each other, but I guess we have become good friends now,

I sigh as I unpack and repack my backpack. It was my usual routine, and well I have to do it. I yawn feeling tired and ready to sleep. I put on just my button up nigtie. I brush my teeth and head to my soft and very comfortable bed. I slide under the covers, finally at peace. I close my eye's ready to sleep. Then a loud knock on my window wakes me. Who the hell can that be?

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