Chapter 18

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Today was my bachelorette party. My mom and I decided to go get pedicures first, which was super awesome and weird. I couldn't stop giggling when they touched my feet.

Afterwards we went shopping for a bit. I got a couple new dressed. And something for my wedding night. If you know what I mean.

Mom got a few dresses as well. I got a necklace with puka shells on it. I feel so alive right now. Well I'm excited to marry Hinder. Last night just proved that I needed him.

"So what now?" My mom asks after we finish our lunch. Hmm.

"I've always wanted to go whale watching." I say with a smile. That would be so fun.

"Then lets do it." My mom smiles at me.

"You are the best." I hug her. We stop by the room to drop off our shopping bags before heading to go whale watching.

"So what made you want to go whale watching?" My mom asks as we get on the boat.

"I've always wanted to do it." I smile happily. I mean living at home, never going on vacation was pretty lonely.

"And you never told me or your father?" My mother asks suspiciously.

"Well you were too busy. I didn't want to bother you." I look down the side of the boat. It was still a good childhood.

"I'm sorry honey. But you know you can come to me and your father for anything?" She asks making me look her in the eyes.

"You are my parents. Of course I can." I smile happily. At least they are trying more now, that's what counts.

"I'm glad to hear that." My mom hugs me tight.

"I love you mom." I whisper softly.

"I love you too sweet heart." She lets me go.

The boat roars to life and off we go onto our adventure. We go to the front of the boat and watch the dolphin match the speed of the boat. I raise my hands up just like Rose from titanic. "I'm the king of the world!" I proclaim. My mom just laughs at me as everyone stares at me strangely. Some laugh at me. What, I love titanic, don't judge me.

After the boat reaches the spot the captain turns off the engine and lets the boat just float. The water is pretty still and beautiful. The sun is high up in the sky still and my mom just shrugs. "I don't know sweet heart." My mom says softly.

I would be fine with seeing one whale. I sigh as I look out to the calm ocean. All of a sudden I see a small tail splash. No way. All of a sudden a baby whale surfaces. I grab my camera and snap a few pictures. The mom appears and starts to show off a bit with her baby. This is so much better than trained whales at sea world. This is the real deal.

"Wow they are amazing." My mom snaps more pics.

"I guess I got my wish." I smile as the whale begin to swim away. "Good bye mama and baby whale!" I yell out and wave good bye. People stare at me strange. I don't care what they think, I just had the best experience in my life.

The baby turns back and splashes his tail in a waving kind of motion, but up and down. "Well I guess he wanted to say bye to you." The captain smiles at me.

"Well I think he's amazing." I smile. "Good luck baby whale!" I yell out as the two whales disappear back into the ocean.

The captain goes back up the steering wheel and takes us back to port. This was the best bachelorette party ever.

"So what did you think?" My mom asks with a big smile.

"Best day ever, well until tomorrow. Maybe the whales will show up to my wedding." I giggle. I know that won't happen, but a girl can dream.

"Maybe, it seemed the baby whale was very fond of you." My mother laughs softly.

"Yes he was. I liked that little sir. That's his name." I state proudly.

"You're naming the whale now?" My mom says worried.

"Yes, Sir is the amazing baby whale." I say with confidence. Sir is the perfect name for the gentleman of a baby whale. Don't judge my creativity and imagination.

"Alright sweet heart." My mom shakes her head and chuckles softly.

"Yeah, this day was super awesome." I cheer as the boat docks.

Everyone gets off board and the new group of whale watchers get on the boat. Mom and I head to a local mini golf place. "Monster golf?" I ask my mom.

"Yeah it's a glow in the dark inside mini golf course." My mom states. That sounds super cool.

"Alright, I'll try it out." I shrug as we enter. She wasn't kidding about glowing in the dark inside mini golf.

We by for one game. It is an 18 hole course with all monster themed holes. They only play monstered themed music. Well they found a theme and stuck to it, good for them.

"What do you think?" My mom asks as we reach hole five.

"A little to the left." I smirk.

"I meant of this place?" She shakes her head as she hits the ball. It misses the hole just by a bit.

"I told you to the left. And this place is pretty awesome." I hit the ball and make a hole in one.

After many attempts to beat my mom and many miss ups, we make it to hole 18. This has been real fun.

"So how was your party?" My mom asks as she putts the ball into the creepy clowns mouth.

"Better than I could have ever expects." I smirk as I make it into the clowns mouth. We hand in out golf clubs my mom tallies up the scores.

"It seems you won, but just by one point." My mom huffs.

"Awesome, I'm the mini golf champion. Now lets go get some sleep." I say as we head back to the hotel. Everything is going perfect, why do I feel that itch as if something is going to go bad. Well I can only hope everything goes to plan. Tomorrow I will become Mrs. Hinder Marks, it's a dream come true. I just hope it doesn't turn into a nightmare.

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