I Need You

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ᗩ Gᑌᗩᖇᗪ ESᑕOᖇTEᗪ ᗰE to a small, private dining room

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Gᑌᗩᖇᗪ ESOTE E to a small, private dining room. The Darkling is waiting for me in the doorway. He offers an arm which I reluctantly take. I need to be on his good side today. The plan will not work if the Darkling is watching me continuously. I need him to trust me.

"You look beautiful this morning," he acknowledges, not taking an eye off of me for a substantial amount of time.

"I'm sure that has nothing to do with the dress you've chosen for me," I answer jokingly.

The Darkling's lips curve into a smile. "I have no idea what you mean, Miss Starkov."

He guides me to a chair at the end of the long table and pulls it out for me to sit. Then he moves to the opposite side of the table and relaxes in his seat. Nearly a second later, a chef comes in with many cooks following close behind. They bring platters of eggs, steaming breakfast meats, golden biscuits, gravy, hash browns, and other things I didn't even recognize. The dining table is covered with every breakfast food imaginable.

As the cooks leave, the Darkling starts to grab a few items off platters. I just stare at the food in awe. He notices and grins.

"I've never seen so much food!" I say in complete fascination.

"That is one of the benefits of being a king, I suppose."

"Food has always been a luxury for me. In the First Army, I was pushed to the back of the line because I am half-Shu. I would get the leftovers from the other soldiers, if any food at all. Then at the orphanage, food was something earned, not provided." I realize that I have shared something that few people know with the Darkling. He has been listening to my confession with interest.

Why do I find it so easy to talk to him?

"You need not worry about such things anymore. Food will be plentiful when you become Queen.

We sit in silence for a while when we eat. I stare at my half-eaten eggs and fruit. Being used to such little servings of food has affected my appetite, possibly permanently. I would like nothing more than to gorge myself on the variety of foods. It might be the last extravagant meal I have like this if I continue with the plan.

No. Not if I continue the plan. When I continue it. Why am I second-guessing everything? I would be letting Mal and Genya, and all of my friends down by not moving forward with finding the book of Merzost.

The Darkling breaks the silence by starting a new conversation, one I was not exactly looking forward to. "Our wedding will be very soon. If everything is in order, it should happen within the week. Everyone in Os Alta will get an allotted break to attend it," he stops for a minute before continuing. "I know I am not the first man you would choose to marry, but it will be a great opportunity to unite Ravka. We can teach them to respect Grisha instead of turning on us as they have always done."

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