🔹All Things Must End: Chapter 2🔹

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—𝕊𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝔸𝕤 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝔹𝕖—

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—𝕊𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝔸𝕤 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝔹𝕖—

TE Sᕼᑌ ᕼᗩᑎ are threatening to take back bordering towns in Ravka as their territory.

        Fjerda continues to kidnap and kill Grisha.

        Rebellions are forming because of the vexation with having two Grisha on the throne.

        Everyone at the symposium turns to the Darkling and me for a solution to these impossible crises. Aleksander is calm and collected. I am not, to say the least. All of the attendees of the meeting talk over each other, each presenting another equally concerning problem. Every meeting is like this, but it does not mean I am used to the pressure of it all. Aleksander has had centuries to master the art of staying neutral even under stress, but every once in a while, I crack under pressure.

        "We have to do something! The Shu grow closer with each passing day!" one says.

        "What about the Grisha? They deserve to feel safe in their own country!"

        "Do not listen to them," another says. "We have more pressing matters to attend to than—"

        "Enough!" I yell. Everyone falls silent. Light streams from my hands without trying to summon. "All you have brought to us are complaints. We need proposals. We need solutions! When you have something to present to us other than useless criticisms and restating what we already know, I'll listen. Until then, get out."

        I fling my hand in the air, allowing their dismissal. They take no time to flee the debriefing room. Their faces are pale, eyes wide. I don't lose my temper often (although Aleksander would beg to differ), but when I do, they know to fear me. With three amplifiers, it is difficult to contain my power, especially when I am angry or worked up. There has been more than one singed room or charred carpet to prove it.

        I look over at my husband, expecting to see irritation for my outburst, but I am surprised to find mild admiration. "The ruthless Sun Queen," he smirks. I start to feel guilty, but he stands up and comes to my side, caressing my jaw. "They needed it. Everything you said was true."

"So was everything they said." I blow out a distressed breath.

"I know," he hums. "Everything will be alright."

I shake my head, disheartened. "How can you say that when the crises seem to keep piling up by the day?"

"I've lived through too many multinational predicaments to count; I've seen plagues come and go, times that people claimed would be the end of the world. And you know what? The world hasn't ended. I am still here. We will get through it just like we always do."

I sigh and relax into the planes of his chest. His arms tighten around me. "Thank you."

He cocked his brow at me. "For what?"

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