For All Eternity

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ᗰY ᗩᖇᗰS ᗩᖇE E᙭ᕼᗩᑌSTEᗪ and my forehead is beaded with sweat

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Y ᗩᖇᗰS ᗩᖇE E᙭ᕼᗩᑌSTE and my forehead is beaded with sweat. Aleksander and I have been testing the amplifier's power for several hours to summon the perfect fighter. For a long time, we had gotten nothing and things were starting to look bleak. Eventually, I got angry and flung my arms around aimlessly. By complete accident, I had summoned our first soldier of sunlight. We were focusing too much on making them, but Morozova's amplifiers work best when faced with emotions, not logic or technique.

        The original Sun Soldier had no face and long arms and legs. It was a bit disproportionate, but that did not matter. We had our first fighter which evolved into many. Ten soldiers turned into twenty which morphed into hundreds. Finally, as the sun set, we had our army. We plop down on the ground and admire our creations. The Shadow Soldiers look like a void of jagged darkness that you can get lost in if you stare for too long. They have clawed fingers and long, spidery limbs. The Sun Soldiers are too bright to look at directly, which will be helpful in battle. They illuminate wherever they stand and can blind the enemies.

        "My soldiers are better than yours," I argue jokingly.

        "Certainly not. Mine are much more favorable."

        I smile at him, but it fades as I get lost in my cluttered mind. The Darkling caresses my cheek and asks, "what are you thinking about?"

        I stay quiet for a minute, looking out at the dewy grass. The snow has melted leaving sparkling drops of moisture on the blades of prairie grass and I am barely in need of a coat anymore, indicating that spring is near.

        Aleksander continues. "About what you said earlier... you asked when it would stop. What did you mean?"

        "War. Fighting. Running for our lives. When will we not have to worry about the next conflict that the world presents? It is always one threat after another. First, it was you and I, the Fold, then it was King Grimjer, now the Störningar."

        The Darkling trains his eyes on the shifting army in front of him. His smooth voice is velvety and clear in the silence of the evening. "I tried to warn you long ago that there would always be conflict. Not even Saints can fix the world. It holds too many monsters. But if you only focus on the hardships, you will miss the good things as well."

        "What if those troubles threaten the good things in life?"

        "... You are talking about Amelia," Aleksander says in realization. I nod while keeping my eyes on the sunset, watching the golden field slowly get swallowed in darkness. "Well," he sighs. "It is natural to fear for the ones you love. And though there will always be those that conspire against us, we will be there to protect Amelia from the dangers of the world. Anyone who lays a hand on her will feel the wrath of the Sun and Shadow Summoners."

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