The Devil Himself

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ᑎIKOᒪᗩI ᕼOᒪᗪS ᕼIS ᕼEᗩᗪ high on the throne

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IKOᒪᗩI OᒪᗪS IS Eᗩᗪ high on the throne."Who said I was leaving?" He crosses his legs and sits casually as if we were talking over tea. Aleksander fumes beside me. I feel his muscles flex under my grip as I am still holding onto his arm for support. I am wobbly on my feet and a bit reluctant to admit that he is the only thing that is keeping me from falling.

        "Well, I was feeling generous today, but maybe I will kill you myself and save the clean-up. Shadows are much more efficient for getting rid of a man and no blood to wash up."

        Nikolai says, "Alina would never forgive you if you killed me."

        "She will eventually because you are just a moment in her eternity that only I will share with her."

        "Sure, but she would rather spend a short time with me than an eternity with a murderer."

        Aleksander growls. "You know nothing of what Alina wants, sobachka. She is my wife."

        They are talking about me like I am not here. I am done with this.

        "You act as if she had a choice in the matter."

        "Enough!" My voice echoes throughout the stone hall. I feel lightheaded after yelling, despite that, I continue. "I just returned from being in a delusional king's hands where I was kicked and insulted and stabbed. I am tired, I hurt, and I am done listening to the two of you imbeciles fight."

        "Sorry, Alina"

        "Sorry, my Alina."

        "Alright," I sigh. "Aleksander, you are not going to harm Nikolai."

        "Ha!" Nikolai exclaims.

        "And Nikolai, you are going to return the throne to us, seeing that it was only a temporary position."

        The Darkling smirks in victory.

        "But, Alina. I thought this was what you wanted," Nikolai says.

        I glance up at the Darkling and ask, "can I have a moment alone with him, please?"

        "No. I do not trust him."

        "Well, you are going to have to trust him, starting today. Help me over to him."

        He does not move. I let go of Aleksander's arm and begin to walk slowly over to the dais. The world begins to spin and I stumble a bit. My body is more fatigued than I realized. I need sleep, but this is more important. The Darkling is at my side instantly and grumbles curses as he helps me over to the dais and my throne. My body relaxes a bit when I sit and the Darkling stares at me, dubious to leaving. Eventually, he does exit and I turn to Nikolai.

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