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I ᒪᗩY ᑭᗩᖇTᒪY on top of the Darkling, looking up at him

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I ᒪᗩY ᑭᗩᖇTY on top of the Darkling, looking up at him. He moves a piece of my white hair out of my face and kisses me gently.

"Did you love Luda?" I say suddenly. The Darkling is caught off guard by my question and stares at me.

After some thought, he answers, "Yes."

"Have you ever loved anyone else?" I am not sure why I am asking these questions. Maybe I am trying to see if he had the ability to truly love at one point or if he has always been broken.

"No," he replies. His answer is short and forced. The Darkling avoids eye contact with me. He is holding something back. Who else could he have loved? Was there someone before Luda or... I shut down my thought before it embeds into my mind. No, he could not love me... could he? "Why are you asking such questions?" he asks with an unmistakable nervousness.

I sense danger by continuing so I drop the subject. "I do not know. Sorry."

The Darkling relaxes again and says, "it's alright."

        There is a moment of silence before the Darkling speaks again. "Now it is my turn to question you." I take a deep breath. Somehow, I do not think his question will be as simple as mine. "Where is the third amplifier?"... And I was right. This will be an unpleasant conversation.


        The Darkling nods stiffly and continues to press on. "How did you get it? It couldn't have been the tracker. Why was it not the Firebird? That was what the third amplifier was supposed to be. Ilya Morozova said-"

        "He was wrong," I interrupt. The Darkling looks at me enraged. I do not blame him. I have just told him that the most powerful Grisha to ever live along with the books that he studied like religious scripture are wrong.

        "No." He shakes his head. "Morozova would not be wrong about something that he dedicated his life to."

        "You told me yourself that the Firebird was not the amplifier. You did not feel any power come from it when it was killed."

        "Then, how... what is..." The Darkling struggles for words. It is refreshing to know something that he doesn't for once.

        "I guess my Otkazat'sya was not as useless as you thought."

        The Darkling's eyes grow large and he studders, "h-how?"

        I caress his cheek, soaking in his confusion and loss for words. "I am not sure how or why Mal was the amplifier, but he always was. He was able to find the other two amplifiers because he was connected to them. Like calls to like. Truthfully, we both knew, but were too afraid to acknowledge it."

        "But I killed him. I should have his power."

        "Morozova was wrong about that as well. Mal chose me, just as the Stag did. The amplifiers selected me to claim their power."

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