I Promise

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"ᗯEᖇE ᑕᒪOSE!" Zoya calls from the mast

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"EE ᑕᒪOSE!" Zoya calls from the mast. Everyone looks at the wall of darkness towering over the far away land on shore. The Fold is closer to the True Sea than it has ever been before. What was once Novokribirsk is now a mass of shadow that juts out from the Unsea. I hate to say it, but it gives me an advantage because I will not need to voyage as far on land to access the Fold. I will merely need to travel through Udova and enter the Fold at Novokribirsk.

        The Hummingbird jolts to a stop, signaling my time to part.

Genya steps closer to me and says, "are you sure you want to do this alone? We can come with you."

I shake my head, not taking my eyes off of the shadow wall. "This is something I need to do on my own."

Genya pulls me into an embrace and murmurs, "be careful. You need to come back. You have yet to let me turn your hair red and you will not get out of it as easily as not returning from the Fold."

I laugh and reply, "if I do make it out, there is still no chance of me becoming a redhead."

"There is no if, Alina." Her tone turns serious. "You will come back to us after the Fold is no more."

My smile fades and I do not meet the gaze of my friends. "What's wrong," Nadia asks.

"After the Fold is gone... I will not be returning with you all."

"What!" Genya exclaims.

David asks, "where will you go?"

"I have a country to think about now. I can no longer run away like I used to."

Zoya shakes her head. "So the plan to go to Kerch was just a ploy to get our help in escaping Os Alta to the Fold."

"No, that's not true," I deny. "I thought of traveling to Ketterdam at first. I would want nothing more than to be with you guys... But I cannot leave Ravka. I am their Queen."

"But Alina," Genya presses on. "The Darkling will punish you once you go back. You know what he is capable of." She touches the scar that has formed across her face, a permanent reminder of what happens to those who defy him.

        "I am not frightened of what the Darkling will do to me. He is afraid of losing me because then he will be completely alone, so he won't kill me. I can face whatever punishment he has in store for me."

The Hummingbird rocks gently on the tides that travel to the shoreline in white sheets.

"This is where we part," I proclaim sadly. Tamar is the first to embrace me in a tight hug. "Be careful, Sankta Alina."

"You too," I reply firmly. I look over at little Amelia, who has gotten off the boat and is playing in the wet sand. I tell Tamar privately, "I need you to take her back to Os Alta. Once she is safe there, go to Ketterdam and lay low for a while. I will do everything in my power to keep the Darkling off your tail."

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