Clever Queen

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I GET ᗩ GᒪᗩSS of water to give to Amelia after she has settled in her bed

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I GET GᒪᗩSS of water to give to Amelia after she has settled in her bed. As I enter, I find the Darkling lurking in the far end of the room. I walk past him to Amelia's side. She has obviously not noticed the Darkling in the corner because she has not reacted.

She takes a small sip of the water and sets it on the bedside table. Her sobs start up again and I sit beside her, stroking her curly hair. "Shhh. It will be okay," I speak softly. Although we both know that isn't true, it calms her down a bit. "She stifles her crying and whimpers, "Alina, you know how you said that necessities are something you need?"


        "You are my necessity," she says with a yawn. When she sniffs and snuggles deeper into the blankets, she asks, "do you know any lullabies?"

        I tuck her in tighter and begin to hum a song softly. The smooth melody glides through the room which echoes the song and reverberates it throughout the tall-roofed bedroom. It is the only song that I remember my mother singing to me as a toddler. I do not remember the words, only the tune, and her sweet voice. Whenever I sing it, I smell rose petals. Maybe her perfume.

        I look over at the Darkling who is still standing in the corner of the room. He is watching me closely as I comfort her and hum the unknown lullaby. I catch a glimmer of something beyond interest in his eyes. I feel a sense of longing pour through the tether before it is abruptly pulled back as quickly as it surfaced.

Amelia's breaths become drawn-out and peaceful. Once I am sure she is asleep, I retreat to the Darkling's side. He has not taken his eyes off of me since I walked into the room. I wonder if he realizes how creepy he looks lurking in the corner staring at me. I want to tell him to stop being a creep, but I have already tested his patience today. He places a hand on my lower back and leads me out of her room. I stop first to shut the door, looking at her exhausted form slumped deep in the covers.

"She is most impressive. Usually, Grisha children do not retain as much strength as she possesses now," he comments when we step out into the hallway.

"Yes, she is strong," I say, looking up at him. " You know that I will do anything to protect her."

"Yes, I have gathered that," he says flatly. "You disregarded what I asked of you again."

"I will listen to you within reason. Though I will not follow you if you are being foolish like sending a six-year-old to the dungeon."

"I may have been a bit harsh," he admits. "However, you only get so many passes, Alina. I will not continue to dismiss punishment at your request."

"I understand," I say with my jaw clenched as we stroll down the hallway to our bedroom. "But I agreed to stay by your side. That does not mean that I will stop fighting you on things. I will certainly fight you on the matter of you finding and controlling Mal's power."

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