Mrs. Morozova

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ᗰY ᕼEEᒪS ᑕᒪᗩᑕK on the cold flooring as I stalk down the hallway

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Y EES ᑕᒪᗩᑕK on the cold flooring as I stalk down the hallway. My nerves are heightened with every step towards the conference room. Personal experience with the meetings that happen in there has not been pleasant thus far, and I doubt that will change today. I think of the last time I was in the conference room. The Council threatened Amelia's life, forcing me to bring her here. Now they are all dead and I am ashamed to feel no remorse for them. But I can't think about that. I need to keep my head in the game. I cannot mess this up. Whatever the Fjerdan King wants to speak about, it will not be harmless. He is too ruthless of a political figure for this to simply be an introduction.

Before I left, Coraline had rushed over at my request to bring an appropriate dress for the meeting. It was a floor-length satin gown with delicate golden embroidery around the neckline. The sleeves puff at the shoulders and hug my arms all the way down to my wrists. I tried to convince the Darkling to let me wear a light-colored dress, but he is adamant about it being black.

Beyond that, a Tailor had come in to adjust my appearance. First, she worked on my hair. Volume was returned with a healthy, false shine that made my hair appear to glow a radiant white. Then, she dissolved the dark circles under my eyes and made the indentation of my cheeks less defined and skeleton-like. Since I have been allowed little sunlight by King Darkness, my usual golden skin tone has faded back to the sickly one I possessed all those years before. The Tailor restored some of the color to my skin and cheeks.

Lastly, a crown was set atop my head; the same one that I wore during the wedding. It is a subtle touch, but just enough to make a statement to King Grimjer of who I am: a Queen. He does not need to know about the ribs showing through at my torso or my sunken eyes hidden by Small Science. I need him to believe what the public has named me. I need him to think that I am the Sun Queen.

At the entrance of the meeting room, I pause. This is the first time that I have let the Darkling in through the tether while around other people. The guards stare at me, wondering why I am unmoving. I ignore them while I locate the tether and pull on it. Not a second later, the Darkling is silently standing at my side. The guards are still waiting for my signal to open the doors, unaffected by the Darkling's presence.

"Stay calm and confident no matter what he does to off-put or anger you," the Darkling suggests as the heavy doors open slowly.

He then places a hand on my back and says, "you are hunching, stand straight."

I improve my posture while sending him an aggravated glare. I regret this idea already.

        The doors open fully, revealing the large, intimidating room. This is my palace, my Kingdom. I should not fear this king, he is here to see me, not the other way around.

        I walk in, accompanied by the invisible Darkling and two guards for security. The Fjerdan King is standing with military posture, hands folded behind his back. To my surprise, he is average high and weight, mid-forties. He was most likely considered handsome in his youth. Much of the Ravkan propaganda is not so kind to his appearance. They portray him to be overweight and dreadfully ugly. Contrary to the Ravkan image of him, King Grimjer has strong features, short hair with beginnings of grey on the sides, and he exerts an unexplainable confidence and intensity. He somehow is able to bring fear to the room before he even speaks. The sight of him would make any person tremble in their boots, but I do not have the courtesy. Stay confident. Stay confident. Stay confident.

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