Dancing With the Enemy

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ᗯᕼEᑎ ᗯE ᗩᖇᖇIᐯE at the ballroom doors, I take a deep breath

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ᗯᕼE E ᗩᖇᖇIE at the ballroom doors, I take a deep breath. The Darkling looks down at me and offers his arm. I willingly take it, entwining mine with his, meanwhile, the doors are opened to the party. Everyone turns to us expectantly. I feel like I am being picked apart by the hundreds of eyes set on me. As we walk slowly through the parted crowd, I observe the faces. Some are familiar from the wedding reception while many are new.

"Don't be nervous. They are all here to see you. Just be their Sun Queen and you will be fine," the Darkling whispers. I wonder how he knew that I was uncomfortable until I feel how tight my grip is on his arm. I ease up and begin to scan the sea of people again. My eyes stop dead on the far end of the room. King Grimjer is here and he is watching me intensely. Next to him, there is a woman in expensive pastel skirts and a silk shawl draped around her shoulders. At first glance, I guessed her to be the King's wife, however, her style of clothing is not Fjerdan. It resembles something more surrounding the Shu Han culture with the unique designs embroidered on her garment. No duchess would dress this extravagantly. She must be the Shu Han Queen.

        The Darkling must have noticed this at the same time that I did because the muscles of his arm twitch under my fingertips. "That King has a knack for arriving unannounced doesn't he," the Darkling seethes through clenched teeth. They both start in our direction. I quickly whisper in Aleksander's ear "both of our enemies talking with each other privately before we arrive at the party. Don't you think that is a little concerning?"

        "Very much so, but let me handle it." he says. I fume silently because he will not let me help. "I require a moment alone to speak with Queen Leyti about our supposed peace offer, although I am growing wary of what her true intention is by the second. I need you to lead the Fjerdan filth away by any means necessary." I nod as a knot forms in my stomach. Something is wrong here. I do not know who's story to believe anymore.

"Queen Alina," King Grimjer greets, blatantly ignoring the Darkling. It is nice to finally meet you," he fibs. Aleksander has put a protective arm around my waist and his hand clenches on my side. "And you, King Grimjer," I respond with a fake smile.

"I was just talking with Queen Leyti of the peace treaty that she has suggested with Ravka. This is quite the bold move." He turns to Aleksander now and sets a piercing gaze on him. Aleksander remains calm and replies "yes, Shu Han has realized that Ravka would be a powerful ally to have, considering our new... advancements."

"Ahm, yes. I have gotten word of your further witchcraft that is supposed to make you unstoppable. Amplifiers you call them."

There is a suffocating silence as they stare each other down. Some of the more keen guests who are not too self-absorbed have noticed the tension. All of the Western hemisphere's rulers in the same room with each other only happens once in a millennium after all.

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