chapter 1: new neighbours

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Y/n POV:

I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I whine and grab the alarm and threw it across the room smashing it into small pieces. I lie there for a few minutes trying to fall back asleep but it's useless. I finally get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I open my cupboard and grab some coco puffs and put them in a bowl. Whilst eating the very delicious coco puffs I look around my small flat to try and find my fluffy feline. On cue, the cat comes running in and jumps on the table. "Well hello there, is somebody hungry?" I whisper to the cat while stroking him. The cat looks at me and claws my face, I jump up escaping the vicious beast. "Ouch Paul, what the fuck? I was trying to be nice and you attack me". I refill Pauls food and water. " Happy?" I ask the cat. I roll my eyes and storm into the bathroom to have a shower. I will say it was a very relaxing shower. Once I get out I dry myself off and head to my closet. I pick out a pair of jeans and a plain grey t-shirt. I go to the living room and put on Gilmore girls. I hear a knock at my door and I curiously make my way to the door.

Once I open the door I see two lady's standing with bright smiles plastered on their faces. One had short red hair with deep green eyes and the other was a brunette who had her hair tied in a bun and had bright blue eyes. "Hello, can I help you?" I ask. "Hi we are your new neighbours im Natalie Rushman and this is my girlfriend Rosemary". The redhead said. " I'm
y/n Belova lovely to meet you both would you like to come in?" I ask. Both Natalie and Rosemary's froze and their faces turned white like ghosts. Rosemary finally snapped out of her trance and nodded. I stepped aside and let them in. "Would you like anything to drink or eat?" I ask them. "No thank you," Natalie says with a smile. Rosemary and Natalie both look at each other. "So y/n what do you do for a living?" Natalie asks. "Oh,  im still in high school, I have another two years of it, unfortunately," I reply. Paul curiously comes in and starts licking Natalie's hand. "Be careful with Paul he likes to scratch people" I say. "Paul?" Rosemary laughs. "Yeh, you know like Paul Anka the singer?" I explain. They start laughing. "Quite a name," they say. We talk for a while and exchange strange stories with each other. "Well we have to get going to see some friends, but it was wonderful to meet you y/n," Natalie says. "You too I hope to see you two around," I say. Whilst walking out Natalie notices my jacket and says "nice jacket". " Thank you it has a lot of useful pockets" I explain. She smirks and closes the door behind her. They were nice I think to myself.


Hey dollys that was the first chapter, I hope you like it I think it's a bit shit but oh well. It's quite short 🙄 but the other chapters will be longer. It's checked by Grammarly so I hope there aren't too many mistakes. The next chapter might be up today but possibly tomorrow anyway bye besties.

y/n Belova Where stories live. Discover now