Chapter 2: the truth

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1 week before

Natasha's POV:

I was training and at about 05:30 am I  was called in for a mission briefing. I was given a small brown file. The mission was to search and takedown a little group that were selling lots of old S.H.I.E.L.D equipment. It was going to be me and my girlfriend Maria Hill living together in a flat. We were given fake names I would be Natalie Rushman and Maria would be Rosemary. The mission would start in about a week. I'm glad my partner is Maria because I would not like to be put on a mission with a rookie.

Fast forward a week

Maria's POV:

Me and Nat just finished moving into our flat. It's small but homely, it's a quiet building only 3 or 4 other people living in the building. Natasha suggested we should meet our neighbour. So we knocked on the red door and a small girl with y/hc opened it. Her name is y/n Belova. I could definitely tell that Natasha was shocked, hearing her sister's last name. We had a lovely chat with y/n and learnt many things about her. She has a very fluffy grey cat called paul, she told us that Paul would probably scratch but the thing was harmless. It kinda makes me want to get a cat, I'll talk to nat about it later. We were leaving when I could hear nat mutter something to y/n. She closed the door whilst smirking. "Come on we are going back to visit someone," she says. We get into her car and start driving back to the compound. "Hey nat, can we get a cat?" I ask. "A cat?" She repeats smiling. "Yes," I reply. "Ok on the way home we could stop at a rescue shelter and have a look," She says. I smile and nod.

Natasha's POV:

After a long drive, we finally arrive at the compound. I storm in to try and find Yelena. I walk into the kitchen and see the team along with the prime suspect. We all stand there in silence as I give Yelena a death stare. "So... When were you going to tell us?" I ask. She raised her eyebrow. "I don't understand," she says. I smack her behind the head. "Ouch what was that for?" She yells. "Oh God Yelena, maybe that you have a kid and didn't think to tell anyone?!" I yell back. She stares at me in shock and walks away. "She has a kid?" Steve asks. "Yup me and Maria are her neighbours" I tell him. "Well im going to go and talk to Yelena nice talking to you all," I say whilst leaving.
I catch up to Yelena just as she was starting to leave the compound. "Yelena wait up" I yell. She stops and waits for me and we continue walking in silence. "I had to leave her, if I took her with me back to the red room they would have sent her away and trained her to be like us," she tells me with tears rolling down her face. I stop and give her a long hug. "I didn't tell anyone because I wanted to protect her" she mumbles into my shoulder. "Does she have another family?" She asks me. "It doesn't look like it, she lives in a 1 bedroom flat, there aren't many things and there aren't any family-like pictures," I tell her. "Nat? I know you are only going to be in the flat for a month or so but can you and Maria please look out for her" she asks. "Of course Lena, you know you should be proud she took on your pocket obsessive trait," I tell her. She snorts. "You know you can visit, im sure I could introduce you to her," I say. "I don't know Nat" she replies. "Just think about it" I smile and tap her head. After a long walk, we head back to the compound. Me and Maria say our goodbyes and start to driving back. I look over and see Maria asleep, I smile and remember she wanted to go to look at getting a pet. It's only 08:47 pm so I decided to make a quick stop at the closest animal shelter. When we get there I start to wake Maria up, she's a bit grumpy when she's tired. We go in and her eyes immediately light up. We look around and she is practically glued to this one black cat. "Tasha pretty please can we get this one, she's so cute and look she already likes you" she says. "Okay I'll go get someone and we will take her home" I say. She squeaks and gives me a big hug. I go over to the lady and she gives me the paperwork. "I'm glad you two picked the poor cat up so many people have just walked past the thing, anyway she has had all her jags and you can take her home whenever" the lady says. When the lady gets the cat out of the cage Maria carefully picks her up and we make our way to the car. On the way back to the flat Maria was playing with the cat. We step into the flat and it hits me that we didn't buy anything for the cat. "Maria we didn't get the cat anything at all, the shops are all closed and we don't have anything to feed her," I tell her. "How about I try and make a bed with some blankets and you go over and ask y/n for some cat food im sure she will say yes," she says. I go over and nervously knock on her door. It takes her a while but she answers. "Natalie, how can I help you?" She asks. "Me and Rosemary got a cat and we didn't buy anything for her and we were wondering if we could use some cat food?" I ask. "Of course just give me a second," she says. She disappears then reappears with a zip lock bag of cat food. "Here you are, if you're looking for a good pet shop to go to there's one a few streets away," she tells me. "Thank you, you are a life savour, me and Rosemary will check it out tomorrow thank you again," I say. I take the food back to my flat and find Maria and the cat curled up together on the couch fast asleep. I smile and cuddle them until I also fall asleep.


Oh wow, I don't know how to end paragraphs, my English teacher would not be proud of me 🖐🙄. Once again probably got errors Grammarly checked it for me so blame it 😩
Bye dolls

y/n Belova Where stories live. Discover now