Chapter 5: mother

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Natasha's POV:

It was quite late and I and maria were cuddling waiting for Yelena to get back to the compound. We have been waiting for a while and we were both getting tired. I let Maria sleep on my shoulder as I waited for her. I could hear footsteps coming so I lift my head to see who it was but it was just Wanda and Pietro. "Hey, are you two just back?" I ask. "Yeah, we were studying with Peter and his friends" Wanda answers. "Although they were complaining about their friend called y/n who wouldn't answer her phone, she didn't come in today so they were worried," Pietro says. "Your friends with y/n?" I ask. They nod in agreement. "They are with doctor Cho getting tested," I say. "Oh, are they alright?" Wanda asks. "We aren't sure we found her past out in her flat' I reply. " I'll tell Peter," Pietro says whilst walking to his room. "Can I see her?" Wanda asks nervously. "Sure kid I don't see why not you just have to wait until her tests are finished," I say. "Have you seen Yelena?" I ask. "I'm right here". I turn around and see Yelena standing at the doors. I slowly slide Maria's head off my shoulder and stand up. "Hey I got to talk to you," I tell her. She nods and we walk to the kitchen. "What's up you don't have a happy face," Yelena says. "Y/ns in getting checked by doctor Cho, this morning I visited to get some sugar and she didn't look great so I decided to make her soup and when me and Maria went to give her it we found her past out on the floor," I tell her. She looks at me worried. "You shouldn't be worried everything will be fine," I say. I pull her into a hug. "Can I see her after her tests?" Yelena asks. I nod. Dr Cho runs in slightly panicked. "Agent Romanoff, can we talk for a minute?" She asks. I nod and walk with her to the medical unit. "Is everything alright?" I asked. "Yes and no, the good news is that we found out what's causing this illness, the bad news is that we don't know the full extent of it," she says. "I don't understand" I reply. "Well, she has absorbed something nonhuman we just don't know if the illness will get worse". She says whilst holding up a vile of purple blood. "Is that hers?" I ask. She nods. "Thank you, Dr Cho can she have visitors?" I ask. "Of course, we have given her some medication which will help with the pain and she should wake up soon, we will have to keep her here for observation if that's alright?" She says. "Yeah, that should be fine im going to get Wanda so I'll be back in a bit," I say. I speed walk back to the living room to grab Wanda. "Wands you can go see her now she might not be up yet," I say. She nods and walks away. I Notice something grey lying on Maria and realise it's paul. "Well hello how did you get here?" I say quietly. He purrs and I pick him up to bring to y/n.

Wanda's POV:

I get to the medical unit and find where y/n is. She looks so peaceful lying there. I sit on a chair next to her and grab her hand. Her hand had little plasters placed on it from where blood was taken out. I start to rub her hand but stop when I feel her squeeze. My eyes dart to her face. "Hey," she says. "Hi, how are you feeling? Do you want me to get you some water?" I ask. "I've felt better, and no thanks" she replies with a smile. "What happened?" She asks. "I'm sorry but I have no idea all I was told was that you were found passed out on the floor," I say. She nods and starts rubbing my hand. She looks around the room confused. "Where am I?" She asks. Just as I was about to answer I was interrupted. "You're at the avengers compound," Natasha says coming into the room with a grey cat. The cat jumps out of nats arms and onto y/ns lap. "What's an avenger?" She asks. We both start laughing but she stays silent and serious. "You are joking right?" Nat says. She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't really keep up with the news," she said. "Clearly, we will talk about this later, I hope you don't mind y/n but you are going to have to stay here for a few days, just for the doctors to monitor you," nat says. "Okay thank you for taking me here Natalie," y/n says softly. "About that, my name isn't Natalie it's Natasha and Rosemary is Maria we were both undercover," nat says. "I'm a bit shocked," she says. "I would be too," I say whilst squeezing her hand. "My sister wants to meet you y/n is that alright?" Nat asks. "Sure I don't see why not" she replies. Nat nods and leaves the room. "Well I should leave you to have some privacy but I will check on you later," I tell her. "Okay night wands," she says. "Night," I say then kissing her on her cheek. I leave the room and make my way to Pietro's room.

Y/ns POV:

I'm struggling to breathe. She kissed me on my cheek! I've only known her for a day and a bit but I already love her. I stroke Paul whilst waiting for Nat to come back with her sister. I find it a bit weird that her sister wants to meet me. After what seems like forever Nat comes in with a blonde woman. "Y/n this is Yelena," Nat says. I smile at her "Hi". " Hello how are you feeling?" She asks. "Better than I was before" I reply. "Well I'll give you two some privacy," nat says whilst leaving and gives Yelena a thumbs up. We both sit there in silence for a while. "Are you alright? You look a bit pale?" I say.  She takes a deep breath before saying "This is going to sound completely shocking, I was trained to be an assassin in a place called the red room, after graduation they would give us a forced hysterectomy, before my graduation I got pregnant and gave birth to a girl but I decided that I couldn't bring her into the red room because they would take her away and train her to become an assassin, so I left her at a police station" Yelena tells me. "I'm sorry if im being rude but why are you telling me this?" I ask. A tear rolls down her cheek. "What im trying to tell you is that the baby im talking about is you, y/n you are my daughter" she tells me. I look at her in shock, this has to be some sort of cruel joke. "I only wanted to protect you I was only with you for a few days before dropping you off, but those days were some of the best days of my life" she says. "Please say something" she says desperately. I try to say something but nothing comes out except tears. I don't understand why im crying my mother is right there, you have wanted her for year's and she's here and all you do is cry. "I want to be your mother again y/n, I don't know if I'll be good at it but I want to try" she holds my face "please," she says. "I would like that," I say. She smiles brightly and wipes her tears away. "I'm going to leave you to get some sleep but I'll check on you tomorrow, goodnight" she says. "Good night" I say. Today has been one hectic day. I lie down and let Paul snuggle into me then eventually let myself fall asleep.


Hey dolls
Once again checked by Grammarly 😩. This one is a bit trash but I honestly don't know what to write 🙄
Anywhoooosees bye besties

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