Chapter 6

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Y/ns POV:

I start to wake up to a tingling sensation throughout my body. The sensation gradually starts to burn. It then feels like my body is on fire. The pain becomes unbearable and I start screaming in agony. Flashes of people start corrupting my head. They were all in pain.

Natasha's POV:

Me and Maria decided to stay the night in the compound just to make sure nothing bad happens to y/n. I was snuggling in bed with Maria who was asleep. No matter what I tried I couldn't fall asleep, I started hearing little scratches on the door at first I thought I was imagining it but it kept going on. I decided to investigate what it was. I open the door and see Paul scratching the door. "Hello, what can I do for you?" I ask. He starts walking away whilst looking at me as a sign to follow him. He leads me further down the corridor and I could start to hear faint screams. We get further down when I realise it was y/n. There was a big light coming from her room, it's so bright I had to cover my eyes because it burns. I put my hoodie over my head and rushed to her side. I tried to touch her but my hand started burning and I quickly pulled away. I rushed out of the room and ran to Bruce's lab, I knew he would be in there because he practically lives in the thing. "Bruce! I need your help!" I yell. "Woah calm down what can I help you with?" He asks. "Yelena's daughter is glowing and is burning like the sun," I say whilst looking down at my hand to find it slightly blistered. "Okay, I can see what I can do where is she?" Bruce asks. "The infirmary" I reply. He nods and runs off. I decided I would treat the burns on my hand. I walk to the kitchen and get the medical box. I run my hand underwater for a while before putting on some cream with a bandage. "Natasha?" I hear a male voice say. I turn and see Pietro. "Is everything okay I was woken up by some screams?" He says. "I'm sorry that's
y/n she is in a lot of pain right now, but don't worry I got Bruce to go try and help her," I say. "Is your hand okay?" He asks. "Yeah I burnt it on y/n, it will heal though," I say. He looks at me confused. "Oh she is burning like the sun," I tell him. "Should I tell Wanda? She seems to care about her" he asks. "Not right now we will tell her when y/n is in a better condition," I say. Bruce comes in smiling. "That was fast is everything alright?" I ask with concern. "Yes she isn't in pain anymore and seems to be nearly back to herself," he tells us. "Since we have discovered this, we obviously know that she has some sort of supernatural abilities and we don't know the extent, do you think she would be up to some testing, just so we can be prepared," he says. "I don't know Bruce as much as I want to find out what kind of abilities she has it is up to her" I reply. He nods and walks back to his lab. I turn back to Pietro. "You can tell Wanda just make sure she doesn't freak out," I tell him. He nods and runs out. I stand there still for a while until I feel a pair of arms around me. I snap out of my trance and see Maria in front of me. "Why did you leave?" She mumbles. "Long story I'll tell you later, but let's get you back to bed sleepy," I say smiling.

Y/ns POV:

The images stopped and the burning calmed down. I open my eyes a see a man in a weird suit. I jump a little in shock. He takes his mask off. "Hi, im Bruce," he says warmly. I try to respond but all I can make is a strange croak. "Oh here's some water, you will need it from the amount of screaming you have done," he says giggling slightly. I take a sip and raise my eyebrow. He makes an awkward smile. "I'll inform Natasha that you are alright". I nod as he walks out. After a while, nat comes in. " hey kid, how are you feeling?" She asks. "I'm better thank you" I respond with a croaking voice. "Did I do that?" I ask looking at her bandaged hand. "Yeah but don't worry it will heal" she replies smiling. I give her a sorry look. "Naaaaat. Where did you go?" We could hear Maria say down the corridor. Maria wanders into the room. "Hey you guys what's happening?" She says. "Y/n had some kind of thing come on and she basically turned into the sun, hence why I have this," I say holding my bandaged hand. "When did this happen?" She says shocked carefully tracing the bandage. "Like less than an hour ago" I reply. "Do you know what set it off?" Maria says looking at me. "No, but when it was happening I saw things," I say. "What sort of things?" Natasha asks. "People, lots of them in pain, so much pain" I reply. Nat grabs my hand and squeezes it. We could hear footsteps coming fast and soon enough Wanda barged into the room only wearing shorts and a sweater.
"Y/n! Are you alright? Pietro told me that something happened to you," she says. "I'm okay now wands," I say smiling. "God you gave me a heart attack," she says laughing slightly. Maria and Natasha looked at each other and smirked. "Well, we will leave you two to talk," Nat says grabbing Maria and quickly dashing out of the room. "What happened you're all sweaty?" She asks. "Don't worry about it," I say giving her a reassuring smile. I move over and pat the bed for her to get in. "Okay but you better not get your sweat all over me," she says laughing. She hops in and I put the covers on both of us. There was a short silence "hey Wanda?" ask. I get no reply so I look over to find her asleep. "How rude," I say jokingly. I get comfy and wrap my arms around her and eventually fall asleep.

Natasha's POV:

Me and Maria both watch Wanda and Y/n fall asleep with each other. "Can we go back to bed now?" Maria whispers. I nod and kiss her forehead.


Hey dolls
It's been like a week whoops.

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