Chapter 11

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Nats POV:

I got home from a long and boring mission, I was expecting a lot of action but I was wrong. I walked into my room and had a shower before going to see Maria. On the way Yelena stopped me for a chat. She wanted to let Y/n stay here with all of us, which I'm delighted about I hope she says yes. After a long discussion with Yelena I go back to finding maria. I first went to her office and didn't find her there, so then I went to the briefing rooms, then the library, then the roof and decided to wait for her back at her office. To my surprise she was sitting in her chair doing paperwork. I knock on her door before entering. She didn't look up from her work and didn't even give me a hello. "Hey I've been looking for you everywhere, I came by here earlier and you weren't here then I went to search for you and couldnt find you so I decided to come back here and wait but here you are" I say. She hums and once again doesn't look up. "So I was wondering if you wanted to go grab dinner with me?" I ask. "I'm busy" she grumbles. "Okay then how about after we can watch a movie and order pizza and cuddle" I say. "Oh my god Natasha like I've told you before I'm fucking busy, can you stop being so clingy!" she yells. I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes. "Yeah sorry to bother you" I say before waking out. I go back to my room and sit on the bed for a while. I put the television on and watch the news, it's all relatively boring. I didn't realise how long I was watching it because when I looked up at the clock it was around 7. Outside was dark because of the time of year. I decide to get up and go for a walk around the compound. I know this place like the back of my hand because I've lived here for a few years. I saw that the lights in the pool were on and decided to investigate who was in it at this time. I walk in and see Y/n and Wanda dancing and unfortunately for me the song just ended. I was going to leave them but I saw that they were leaning in and started kissing. Oh dear lord I don't think I'm supposed to know about this. I quickly turn around and try to leave but me being clumsy I knock over a bunch of equipment which made a loud noise. They quickly turned around and I could see thier faces turn red. "Nat it's not what it looks like" they both say. "I think it is what it looks like" I say. "Please don't tell anyone we want to keep it a secret" Wanda says. "Keep it a secret? You two are kissing in a compound filled with avengers and shield agents, if you're trying to keep it a secret you should be more careful of where you two are fonduing" I tell them. "Look I'll keep it a secret but just be careful" I say. I leave them and head back to my room. I see it's still empty and no signs of Maria coming back yet, I order a cheese pizza and put on gilmore girls. Y/n has been begging me to watch it, so I finally have the time to do it. It's actually quite good I see why she likes it. I got a few episodes in before getting tired and turning it off, I grab some jammies to put on and I turned the lights off and pulled the covers over myself. Just then the door opens and then closes. It was probably Maria coming back. I suddenly feel the matriss dip next to me. I could feel her putting her hand on my waist but I slap it off, I'm still mad at her. "Nat" she says. "No go to sleep" I reply. "I'm sorry"   "we will talk in the morning" I tell her.

Y/n's POV:

Me and Wanda are stood there a bit shocked. I feel her grab my hand. She pulls me down the halls and into her room. "Nats right if we want to keep it a secret we need to be careful" she says. "OK, can we cuddle now?" I ask. She smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Just a second" she says before going to her cupboard and taking out two jumpers and shorts. She gives it to me and I put it on. I then tackle her onto the bed and wrap my arms around her tightly, I shove my head under her jumper and lay on her stomach. We both fall asleep.

"Y/n wake up, we need to go to school" I hear Wanda say. I slide my head out of her jumper and look at her smiling. "Mooove" she says before kissing me. I roll out the bed and go and get some of her clothes to wear. "Wow stealing my clothes so rude" she says. "You stole some of mine it's only fair I get some of yours" I reply. We get changed and go get some breakfast. "Good morning you two" I hear Nat say. "Morning" we both say. I have some fruit and yoghurt and Wanda has some toast. After eating Nat offers to drive us to school, so we get into the car, there was an awkward silence between the three of us. "Where's pietro?" I ask. "Him and Peter are already at school they wanted to do some sort of science thing" Nat says. "So, when are you going to start telling people about you two?" Nat asks. We both look at eachother, "I'm not sure" Wanda says. "Okay but just know we all support you and everyone will be accepting" she says. We arrive at school and Wanda gets out the car. "Fix things with Maria" I say before getting out. Me and Wanda walk into the building and find Ned, Peter and pietro walking out of the science classroom. "Hey guys" I say. "Hey, y/n you look different" Peter says. "Good different?"  "Yeah, it's a good different" he says. First is P.E luckily I have that with the whole group. The bell rings and I quickly made my way to the bathroom. I got changed and realised that I looked a little bit more muscular, which is strange I can't remember the last time I worked out. I find the group all waiting beside the track waiting on me. "Sorry I'm late, what are we doing" I ask. "We are running around the track twice then run into the gym, do 5 push ups and climb the rope to tap the bell, they haven't started yet we were just waiting for everyone to get here" pietro says. "We are doing it as groups, all racing, do you want to go first pietro?" Wanda asks. He nods and goes to the starting line, the coach blows the whistle and they start to run, pietro is in first. "Next runners up" the coach yells. They all look at me. Guess it's me then. I walk up to the line and of course liz is beside me. "Ready to lose?" she whisper yells. We get into starting positions and the coach blows the whistle. I start running, every sound was muffled now, apart from my feet touching the ground. I don't look behind me scared I might trip up and make a fool of myself. I finished my laps and went to the gym, did my 5 push ups which turned out to be easy then climbed the rope to touch the bell. I got down and pietro gave me a pat on my back, "Damn I didn't realise how fast you were, your opponents are just half way through there second lap" he says. I then get hit with a feeling like I'm going to be sick. "I'm not feeling good, I think I'm going to go to the bathroom" I say out of breath. I quickly run out the gym and to the nearest bathroom. I open the door and start throwing up. When I'm finished I slide away from the toilet and take some deep breaths. I get up and get changed, I then went to the office to hopefully go home. The lady at the office called Natasha and then told me to wait at the side. After 10 minutes of watching the clock Nat comes in and signs me out of school. We walk to her car and get in. "Are you alright?" she asks. "I don't feel great" I say. "Yeah you look sick" she says and starts driving. "Hey, how did you know that me and Maria are arguing?" she asks. "When me and Wanda came into the kitchen I saw her look upset when she came out your room, so I just prosumed that you two were arguing" I tell her, she just hums. We get into the compound and she tells me to sit on the couch. She sits next to me and drapes a blanket on both of us, "I got a few episodes in last night before going to bed, it really is a good show" she says whilst putting on Gilmore Girls. We hear someone come in the room. "Hello Nat and y/n, y/n shouldn't you be at school" We hear Yelena say. "She was sick, do you want to watch this with us" Nat asks. "Sure it better not be crap though" Yelena says and then sits next to me. We watched an episode and I could already feel myself getting tired. I could feel my eyes start closing and I  eventually falling asleep.
I wake up to someone stroking my head, I realise that I'm leaning on someone. I get up and see yelena. "I'm sorry" I mutter. She drags me back down onto her and continues to stroke my hair. She had changed the programme to something different, Nat was also gone. Whenever something funny happened i could feel the vibrations of her laugh. I wrap my arms around yelena and cuddle her. "Do you want something for dinner?" she asks. "No thanks Im still not feeling good" I say. "Ok, if you do just tell me" she says. I nod my head. "Is Wanda back yet?" I ask. "Yeah but she is studying for a test, she said she would see you after she finished" she says. "Oh you are burning up, I'm going to get you a glass of cold water" she tells me before getting up. She comes back a minute later with the glass filled with water and ice. "Thank you" I say, she smiles in return. "You look tired come on you are going to bed" she demands. We walk to my bedroom and I hop into bed. She comes over and tucks me in before kissing my forehead. "Get some rest" she says. "Thank you mum" I mutter before closing my eyes again.

Hey dolls
This chapter is litteraly nonsense, I just realised that I haven't posted in a week. I'm trying to think of things to write and I do have a rough idea of something, anyway I have been doing lots of important tests at school and I'm a bit stressed but that doesn't really matter. Anyway have a good day.
Bye beasties

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