chapter 17

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Y/n's POV:

It's different when we arrive. "You okay?" Rose asks. I look up at her, she's much paler than before almost like she's ill. "Yeah it's just different here, are you okay? You look like you might pass out".

"Yeah don't worry it happens when I'm nervous" she starts walking, I quickly follow her. I suddenly see there is a cat on her shoulder. Not just any cat, my cat.

"Em back up, why is my sweet Paul anka here?"

She gives me an innocent look. "Paul just wanted to watch you have a little fun"

"First of all, what I'm about to do is not fun at all, second you better not let him anywhere near the battle, my poor boy is not getting harmed".

"Like I would let him get hurt"

We keep walking until we get to the castle, the village was completely diserted. Sitting on my thrown was clawdius. "Excuse me, I think you'll find that's mine" I yell at him.

He swipes a finger along the arm rest, "I've been told you died" he says to me. "Well I guess we all learnt a lesson today, not to trust everything we hear"

He stands up and ponders over to me. I egnite myself into flames, he pulls a long sword out. He charges towards me and I quickly duck, his side is exposed so I land a strong hit.

He unfortunately manages to get a few cuts onto me. Some are bleeding more heavily than others. He knocks me onto the ground, my head hits the floor. A loud ringing erupts my ears.

I suddenly get grabbed from my neck, I pull at his hands trying to break free from his grip. He continues to crush my airways, he starts walking outside and onto the bridge.

I get dangled over the edge. "Time to say goodbye" I look below me and see a long drop into a fast stream of water.

He once again takes his sword out, he points the tip at the centre of my chest. He puts some pressure on it and I could feel it start to pierce my skin.

He suddenly gets nudged forward, almost in slow motion we start falling. Behind clawdius is a certain furry creature. I shoot forward and push clawdius out of the way. I try to grab for Paul but I hit the water.

The stream almost immediately pulls me, I get to the surface and look around, I'm using all my strength to stay above the water. Not long after I see the grey tail peak out from the water.

I start swimming as fast as I can toward him, I scoop him up and curl him into my chest. He starts meowing, I look up and see we are heading straight for a waterfall.

I start trying to swim away from it, but subsequently fail. In a panic I look around, my eyes land on a large log. I know I'm not going to make it but Paul definitely can.

"Hey buddy, I'm going to throw you and you need to latch onto the log okay?" He looks at me funny. God why am I talking to a cat.

We get closer and at the right time I throw him, I start falling but stop. I look up and see Rose with both of her hands holding me up. She is using all her strength to pull me up.

Once we get to an appropriate hight I pull myelf up. She helps me off the log safely. Paul runs up and jumps onto me. He starts licking my face. "Hey, I'm glad your okay" I say scratching behind his ear.

"Your a real hero Paul, your going to get some treats when you get home, that's a promise" I tell him.

"Is he dead?" I ask Rose. "It's most likely, no one is going to survive that fall, but we will send a team down and hopefully find our answer" she says.

"Home?" She asks. "Home" I nod, she grabs my hand and we start twinkling.

My apologies for not writing for like a month. I've been busy writing a new story which I'll be releasing the first chapter tonight 🥳. Anyways this is very short so I'm sorry lmao.
Bye beastiesss

y/n Belova Where stories live. Discover now