chapter 21

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Y/n's POV:

Weeks go by, me and Wanda have grown closer, nearly back to before the kiss. Last night me and Wanda went out to a fancy restaurant, it was lovely the food was divine. After we went home and snuggled in bed.

I wake up with a big stomach ache, I look over and see that Wanda isn't there. The urge to throw up quickly washes over me. I fly out of bed and into the bathroom, wanda was sitting on the floor breathing heavily, from the quick glance I spare at her she is pale, you could mistake her for a ghost.

I throw up directly in the toilet, letting everything out. Her hand tiredly and gently grips my hair putting it into a sort of ponytail. Once throwing my guts up and flushing the toilet I sit next to wanda.

She shakily puts her hand of my forehead, "You're burning up". Her voice sounds horrible. I put my head on her shoulder, we sit in silence. She taps me and I sit up, she leans over the toilet and starts vomiting.

We eventually get to a point where neither of us were throwing up again. I get up first and pull her up with me, "we need water" I croak out. We sound like frogs.

We cling to eachother, slowly stumbling out the room and into the kitchen. "Wow the zombies are here" Tony laughs. We drink as much water as we can, trying to stay hydrated.

Mama walks in with Nat. "What's wrong with you two" I walk over to her and give her a strange hug, well it was more I leaned into her. "We are guessing food poisoning" Wands explains.

"Would you like me to make you some macaroni?" Mama asks. "As much as I love your macaroni Mama, I think I would just throw it up later"

"I'll get Maria to make you some soup, it always help me when I'm sick" Natasha tells us. "Make sure you two drink plenty of water, i don't want you to die of dehydration, that wouldn't be a great way to die". "No mama it would not"

I go back to wanda, she has some colour on her face reappearing. "How about we take a bath detka?" I nod, "Okay you keep drinking, I'll get the water ready"

She slowly walks away, I drink another cup or two before heading to my bathroom. I walk in and see Wanda pouring in a liquid, a hint of lavender hits me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?". "Not great, better than I was this morning, how about you wands?"

"Eh, kind of the same". She takes my hand and leads me towards the bath. She ties my hair up messily and proceeds to do the same with herself. We take our clothes off and she gets in first, I slowly slide infront of her.

She wraps her hands around my tummy. "Love you wands". "I love you too y/n".

I'm extremely relaxed, the bath has definitely helped. I close my eyes not realising that I would fall asleep, I was clearly very tired.

Upon waking I'm freezing covered in goosebumps with the hairs on my body bounce up. I sit up and see wands is also asleep. I shake her softly, she groans and tries to slap me away.

"Wandy wake up, we need to get out" I shake her once more and she finally opens her eyes. "God its freezing" she quickly curls into a ball trying to contain heat.

I get out first, grabbing a towel for both me and wands. I help her out and wrap her in her towel, she giggles slightly. "What?" I smile at her.

"We are wrinkly like old grannies" she shows me her hand, I laugh along. After draining the bath we make our way to the bedroom. "What do you want to wear?"

"Nothing fluffy or heavy, just something light, I don't want to roast" she grabs me a floaty shirt and a pair of shorts. She wears something similar, we hop into bed. "I want to grow old with you" she tells me.

"You do?" She hums. "I want to marry you, I know your not a fan of kids but I'll make you like them, maybe have one or two, we will live in a small town where everyone knows eachother, when the kids move away we will adopt a bunch of animals and become crazy animal ladies" she tells me, I laugh. We look at eachother, I kiss her, "I love it, and I will gladly grow embarrassingly old with you"

"When we are better I want to take you somewhere" she looks at me confused. "Where?" I smile at her, "You will just have to see" I tell her. She yawns loudly.

"Go to sleep wands, I'll probably nod off soon as well". She smiles and gives me another kiss, "love you" she rubs her nose on mine before snuggling into me and closing her eyes.

"Love you too" I was correct not long after wanda fell asleep, I also fall asleep.

Hey beasties
Sorry for another short one, I had the urge to write today, I should infact be studying for a big math test on Monday which I'm no chuffed about. But have a good day or night :)

y/n Belova Where stories live. Discover now