Chapter 7: Bonding And Visions

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Y/ns POV:

I wake up and find that Wanda is no longer next to me. I look at the clock and realise its 1 in the afternoon. I carefully got out of bed and went to find clothes. After looking around my room I found the clothes I was in before coming here. I say to myself that there is no point in debating because its either I wear clothes or I wear a gown that shows off my backside. I get dressed and start walking around the halls, after a while I realise that I am completely lost. "Hey" I hear someone say. I turn and see Yelena or mum? I'm still not sure what to call her. "Hi, sorry I was trying to find someone but I got lost" I say. "Yeah it took me ages to find my way around" she replies. "So I was wondering if you wanted to do something today? It's fine if you don't want to but I thought I would ask". "Sure I would like to" I say. "Cool I will let you get something to eat and I will come get you at around 3".  "Sounds good to me. Where is the kitchen if you don't mind me asking".  "It's along the corridor and then your first right" she says. "Thank you" I say whilst walking away.

Yelena's POV:

I watched her turn the corner and started running to the training room where Nat was. "Natasha!" I yell. "Yelena jeez no need to yell".  "I asked y/n if she wanted to do something with me today, and I don't know where to go or what to talk about" I say. "hey calm down you will be fine, just talk about teenage stuff" she says. "what do teenagers talk about?" I ask. She looks at me in silence. "Good question, mabye ask Wanda?" she says. "wow you are so much help" I say. I walk out and walk to wanda's room. I knock on her door and I could hear her tell me to come in. "Heyyy" I say. "Hi Yelena what can I help you with?" she asks. "What do teenagers like yourself talk about?" i ask. "Im sorry Yelena but unfortunately I'm not like every other teenager I mean I have powers, but a rough idea is something around makeup or alcohol" she tells me. "Thank you I think?" I say. "may I ask why?". "I'm taking y/n out somewhere for some sort of bonding" I say. "Good Luck" she says. I walk out and go to my room. I take off my tactical suit and put on jeans, a black t-shirt and a leather jacket. I wait around until its 3 and go to the kitchen and find y/n in different clothes looks like she borrowed some off of Wanda. "You ready to go?" i ask. She nods and we make our way to my car.

Y/n's POV:

I got into her car and we started driving. I have no idea where we were going but she seemed to know the way. It was very awkward since no one was talking. After a while she decided to break the silence. "So any new makeup brands out?" she asks. Sorry what is she on about? "em no" I say in a high pitch volume. "What about relationship? You got a boyfriend?" she says whilst nudging me slightly. "no I do not have one" I say nervously giggling. I don't know if i should tell her that I'm not into boys. "I'm sorry I don't know how to talk to you. I asked Wanda and she said to ask about makeup and alcohol" she says. "Ah well unfortunately I'm not good with make up, but I have had some alcohol" I say. "what kind?" she asks. "I don't know I usually just grab whatever" I reply. "Had any vodka?". "I have, its quite good" I reply. She chuckles. "you know you are to young to be having alcohol" she says. "Yeah" I reply. We sit and talk for a bit until we arrive at a lake. She turns around and grabs bread from the back seat. "Come on" she says whilst getting out. We start walking until we see some ducks and swans swim over. She gives me some bread and we start tearing it then throwing it to feed them. "I was only with you for a short time but I took you here quite often. Even though you were a baby and didn't really understand anything, you liked the ducks when they quacked, you would always have the brightest smile and start laughing" she tells me with a sad smile on her face. "I'm sorry I never reached out, when I got out of the red room you were the first thing I thought about, I really wanted to find you but I thought you were happy with a family" she says. "Unfortunately I didnt get the happy family that you thought, I was put in foster care and then thrown out and lived on the streets, a nice lady came up and offered me jobs to work for money, to then buy a flat, clothes and food" I say. "I'm sorry, you have a cat correct?".  "yeah Paul, I found the little beast on the street, he was being attacked by stupid drunk men so I helped him and he's been with me since" I tell her. "I have a dog, I called her fanny" she says. My eyes go wide. "sorry did you say fanny?" I ask. She nods. "Wow that's a good name" I say trying hard not to laugh. "Tony doesn't like her, he calls her mean names" she says. I reply with a small hum. Her phone starts to ring and she sees its Natasha calling. "Oh sorry, Do you mind if I take this?" she asks. "no i'll just be over here" I say. She walks off talking to Natasha and I stare at the water. I head starts to throb and I feel like I'm being watched. In the reflection I can see a lady standing next to me. In panic I quickly look up and see no one there. I quickly look around but I don't see anyone. "Hey sorry, I don't want to seem rude but we have to cut this short I have a sudden mission to go on" she says. "That's okay I had fun, thank you" I reply. She puts her arms out and attempts to hug me, but it turned out a bit strange. We walk to the car and before I get in I look around and there the woman is standing a few feet behind me. I quickly get in and Yelena starts driving. We arrive back at the compound and I go back to the medical room. "Hey kid" I hear. I turn and see Maria dressed in a uniform with a bird logo. "Hey Maria".  "I heard about what happen I hope you are okay now. I'm here to take you to your room" she says. "My room?" I reply confused. "Yes, Natasha has convised everyone to let you stay here for a while, did Yelena not tell you?".  "Oh no she didnt, but thank you" I say. "Paul has already made himself very comfortable in his bed" she says chuckling. We walked to the room and that's when Maria said goodbye. The bedroom was nice, it was painted grey and there was a bed in the corner. Paul was sleeping on a little cat post. There were jammies set out on the bed and I quickly put them on. I pet Paul and dash into bed. It was very comfortable I slowly started falling asleep.

My breathing started to pick up as my dream quickly deepened. Visions kept getting thrown into my head. Fire, screaming, explosions. Help us. That was the last thing I heard before jolting up. I quickly released that I was sweating, yuck. I decided to try and go back to sleep again. I was so tired that it didn't take long.


Hey dolly's
This time it's not checked by grammarly because its ripping me off by not working. So because I can't spell or do anything right there will probably be many mistakes so I apologise.
Anyways byeeee

y/n Belova Where stories live. Discover now