Chapter 8: Lady

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Y/ns POV:

Ever since I spent time with Yelena I keep seeing the woman everywhere I go. I keep debating if I should tell someone because this seems like a litteral stalker. She just freaks me out, the closest we have been was the other day when me and Maria went to the shop to get Nat something to eat, when I was picking a drink she stood so close behind me I could hear her breathing. I tried talking to her but she ignores me, and her white eyes just watch me. Today it's my first day back at school, I have been cleared by both Bruce and Dr. Cho, after school Wanda has invited me to watch a movie with her. Nat insists on driving me to school which I'm not complaining about, it saves me having to get a bus. "Thank you" I say hugging her before leaving the car. Peter and the rest are waiting on me. "I'm glad your back, school has been so boring without you, aunt may says hi by the way" Peter says. "Tell her I said hi back" I say. The bell rings and we head our separate ways. I have English first great, not only does the teacher hate me but Liz will be there. I walk in and swiftly sit at the back beside the window. Luckily for me Liz came in late and sat at the front with her strange minions. I started to feel extremely hot and started sweating, I look outside and there she is the lady, Visions start flowing back into my head. Its always the same people screaming for help as explosions happen. I quickly put my hand up. "yes miss Belova" my teacher says. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask. "Yes but hurry up" he says annoyed. On the way out Liz sticks her foot out making me stumble luckily I didn't completely fall over because that would have been even more embarrassing. I suddenly had the feel to throw up. I dash to the bathroom and thankfully made it in time. I threw up what seemed like last nights dinner mixed with breakfast this morning. After throwing up my guts and rinse my face of with cold water. As I get back to class everyone started to leave, I didn't realise how long I was actually in there. "Belova detention at lunch" my proffesor yells. Thank god next class was French I had Wanda and Peter. I get to my seat and watch them come over with worried expressions. "Hey y/n are you feeling alright you look like a ghost" Peter says. I nod and grab a peice of gum from my bag, hoping to freshen my breath. "I have detention at lunch" I tell them. They give me a look as to go on. "I went to the bathroom and I didn't realise how long I was there for and by the time I got back I missed most of the lesson" I say. I tried very hard to consentrate but it was a very difficult task due to the constant watch of the lady. The bell rings and the teacher dismissed everyone. "Y/n can you come speak to me please" my teacher says. She gestures to a chair next to her and i sit. "Is everything alright? You don't look well at all, you keep staring out the window and I also tried emailing you when you were off to see if your okay" she says. "I'm okay, I'm sorry I'm just very tired and there is no use in trying to contact me on my phone because I don't even know how to work the thing" I say. "Okay i must admit I missed my star pupil, you know you can always talk to me about anything at all right?".  "I know" I said smirking. After an extremely long and boring day the bell rings indicating that school has finished for the day. I walk out the doors and see the woman watching from the trees, it's getting beyond creepy now I mean it's becoming constant. I find Nats car and quickly hop in. "hey kid how was school" she asks. "it could have been better" I reply. The ride home was contained with talking about her day and how she was currently annoyed at Maria. We get out and I quickly say a thank you to natasha before running to meet Wanda. She texted saying to meet her in her bedroom. I knocked before entering. I gasped in amazement she has made a pillow Fort and inside was full of snacks and blankets. "Where are your pajamas?" she asks. "oh I didn't kno-" I try and say before getting smacked in the face with shorts and a t-shirt. She starts giggling and I stick my tongue out at her. I go to her bathroom and get changed before snuggling in with Wanda. We watched the little mermaid and sang along when songs came on. When the movie ended Wanda was fast asleep, I turned the TV off and carefully put Wanda to bed. I walk out into the living room and look out the window and funnily enough there she is again. I decided I had enough of this game. I take the elevator down to the main entrance. I run out to the forest and find her beside the trees. "What do you want? I keep seeing you everywhere, so what do you want" I ask annoyed. She starts walking away and I try and grab her but my hand goes right through her. "what are you?" I ask. She shrugs and continues walking, I quickly run after her. She takes me far away from the compound and deep into the forest. We walk for ages until she stops at a large crooked tree. She knocks the tree 5 times and turns a branch. Suddenly the ground starts moving and we both get sucked down. Next thing I do is open my eyes and see that the sky is no longer blue but a dark green and purple. I get up off the ground and see I'm now standing on a cliff watching over a city. "I was sent to watch over you and then bring you here" I hear a woman see. I see the woman standing beside me. "so you finally talk, where are we?" I ask. "well the last leader called it the sling and we have had many other ridiculous names so it's honestly up to you as to what you call it" she says with a stone cold expression. "What do you mean? Why do I have to name it?" I ask. "Because you are our new leader" she says. Huh did she just say leader? How did this come up on me. "Why me?". "It's you because you touched the rock" she says. "So you're telling me that I touched a rock and now I'm a leader" I say. She nods "so what are you going to call it?" she asks. I have no idea how she expects me to name this I'm still shocked that I'm becoming a leader. "I don't know how about the dark world" I say. "Not the worst name we've had, anyway here put this on so you will fit in" she says whilst handing a cloak thing. "Whats your name? I keep calling you lady so it would be nice to put a name to the face".  "Rose" she replied smiling for the first time. Suddenly a carriage pulled by horses comes out from the trees. She gets in and I follow, the horses start trotting down the paths and as we get faster the horses manes and hooves start glowing. We make it into the city and it looked so fascinating.

Hey dolls
Grammerly is still not working so it will probably have a lot of mistakes 😩.

y/n Belova Where stories live. Discover now