Chapter 9:

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Y/ns POV:

The city is filled with lots of people but I felt uncomfortable as they kept staring at me when we rode past. "people who have been here longer know why you are in this carriage" Rose whispers to me. "So tell me about yourself" Rose says. "oh well I'm quite boring, a few weeks ago I met my mother for the first time since I was born, I have a cat called Paul and I have friends" I say awkwardly. "You and that girl look very close" she replies. "Who Wanda? No-well we have gotten close and I may have feeling for her but I doubt she has them back" I say. "well you never know" Rose says smirking. We arrive at the front of a castle, and Rose helps me out. "when you are down here this is where you will be staying" she says. "Now unfortunately you will have to wear this, it can be quite heavy but you will get use to it" Rose says and gives me a black necklace, she helps put it on. "Thank you" I say. "so what about you? Do you have a special someone?" I ask. "I have been serving the leaders for as long as I remeber, so no I don't have time to do all that" she says disappointed. "you've never had a break?" i ask. She shakes her head and I can't help but feel bad. "now since you are here we can announce to the public that you are our leader, now listen you don't speak until I tell you too, understand?" she says and I nod. We go to the balcony and she starts talking she grabs my hand and leads me to speak. She tells me to just introduce myself which I do but it's extremely awkward. After she leads me back to the horse and carriage, we start going back to where we originally came from. "Have you had any powers come out yet?" she asks me. "Sorry powers, no, well I once supposedly started glowing and burning like the sun" I say. "That would have been the rock excepting you, but soon you should start obtaining something"she says. I hum. We eventually get back to the cliff and she holds my hand and we teleport back to the forest. "I will still be watching you to make sure you don't hurt yourself, and soon we will come back so I can give you a proper tour of the dark world, I wont be accompanying you home today because I have some business to attend to, but I will see you soon" she says smiling. I walk back and by the time I get to the compound its quite late. Im not tired so I decided to hang out beside the pool just dipping my feet in. "Hey, what are you doing up?" I hear someone say. I look to see Wanda and a smile lights my face up. "hello I'm just not tired what are you doing up?". She sits down next to me and dips her feet in. "I woke up and missed you, I tried to find you but I couldnt until I asked Jarvis" she says. She takes my hand and entwines her fingers, with her other hand she puts it on my neck and rubs her thumb on my cheek, I definitely was blushing. She pulls herself closer until her lips ghosted mine. She looks between my eyes and my lips before she finally pressed her lips against mine. She was gentle and her lips were so soft. She pulls away and I already miss her lips. "I really like you y/n like really, really, like you" she says. "I really, really like you too Wanda" I say smiling. "Do you want to go on a date with me tommorow?" she asks. "Hmmm let me think, of course I will" I say. Her face suddenly drops into a frown. "are you alright wands?" I ask worried. "I really like you y/n but I was wondering if we could keep this between us because I haven't came out to anyone yet and I'm scared"she says. I hold her hand and squeeze it.
"of course we can, I haven't came out to anyone either well except Peter, mj and ned but that's it" I say. Her perfect smile comes back she looks at the water and says "Do you want to go for a swim?". "we don't have swim suits" I say laughing. "We don't need them" she says wiggling her eyebrows. She stands up and pulls her trousers down then her top off leaving her in a bra and underwear. I blush really hard and respectfully look away. "Come on" she says pulling me up. I take of my top and shorts. She grabs my arm and she jumps into the pool, dragging me with her. I was first to swim to the surface and I look around trying to find her. I suddenly feel a pair of arms around my waist. She starts kissing my neck, and then yanks me into the water. I start choking and I could hear wanda laughing. I splash her with water and it starts a water fight. We get out the pool and I drag her into my bedroom. "can I take a bath?" she asks. "of course you can" I say whilst walking into the bathroom and making wanda a bath, I make sure to put in lots of bubbles. When I exit the bathroom wanda practically pounced on me, her lips connected with mine. "Your bath is ready" I say into the kiss. "Would you be a darling and join me" she says smirking. "are you sure you? You don't have to have me there if you don't want me to" i say. She drags me to the bathroom and takes my bra off, I can feel the heat rushing to my face and quickly put my hands infront of my chest. She takes my hands away and whispers how beautiful I am, Lord this woman will be the death of me. We both strip and get in, i sit at the back and wanda puts her head on my chest. I play with her soft hair as she runs her hand up and down my arm. We sit in the bath for ages until we become prunes, when we get out we dry eachother and hop into bed. We cuddle up to each other and fall asleep.

I wake up to someone knocking on the door. "Y/n are you up?" I hear yelena yell. Shit shit shit. "Wanda get up, get up!" I whisper yell whilst violently shaking her. I could hear her mumble a no and she then very lightly slaps me. "Wanda yelena is outside you need to get up" I say. "Y/n I'm going to come in" I hear yelena yell. I quickly grab Wanda and throw her out the bed and roll her under the bed. I then quickly get back in and cover myself as I was still naked. Yelena comes in and looks at me strange and I just smile at her. "Hey" I say. "Hello why are you all red and sweaty?" she asks with a raised eyebrow. I quickly clear my throat and shake my head "no reason". She looks at me blankly and I only became redder. "Right well I was going to ask if you and Wanda wanted to take a day off and go shopping together" she says. "I just got back to school and you want me to take more time off?".  "Yeah well it's not like there is anything important that you're going to miss" she says. "Sure I would like to" I say. "Okay I'll go get wanda" she says. "no! I'll get her it won't be a bother" I say smiling. "Alright but don't take to long Nat will be back from her mission and she won't like me letting you two take a day off" she says before leaving. Wanda then appears next to me, "I hate you" she says and rubs her arm. "Aw I'm sorry wands do you need me to kiss it better?" I ask. She gives me an annoyed look and a quickly kiss her before getting dressed. She then goes into my wardrobe and takes out my clothes to wear, she then smirks at me. We walk together into the kitchen and meet yelena." You two ready?" she asks. We both nod and follow her to the car. Me and Wanda sit in the back and secretly entwine pinkys. We get to the mall and park the car. "Well I will be leaving you two to explore, here is my card and I will be picking you up at 5 same spot" she says. Wanda leaves the car and I stay behind quickly. "Thank you" I say before hugging her. I then exit the car and chase after Wanda.

Yelena's POV:

I'm trying to get close to my daughter so I decided that letting her take the day off with wanda and let them shop would be nice. I was grossed out this morning because I'm pretty sure
y/n was well you know doing things with herself, she was very red and sweaty and not to mention naked. I get back home and see that Nat was back. "Nat I need help" I yell. She looks up and nods. "how do I ask y/n to move in properly?".  "it's very simple all you do is ask her, but you should probably make some ground rules that's what we did with wanda and pietro" she says. "what kind of ground rules?" I ask. "Well I told them the curfew is 10 but if they want to stay out longer they can but must ask and I would be picking them up, also if they go somewhere i must know where and who they are going with, they must eat 3 meals a day, if they have a girl or boy over they must have the door open and just things like that"she tells me. "okay thank you, it was awkward this morning I think I caught y/n masterbating" I say. "wow yelena I just had to know that, totally not traumatised, but don't worry I'm sure she will say yes to moving in she loves it here" Nat says. I go and train for a while until half 4 until I went to pick the girls up.

Hey dolls
Another one out today 😩.
I am supposed to be doing homework but I can't be bothered. Anyway grammerly still isn't working so there will probably be more mistakes.
Bye beasties.

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