Part 12

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Warning~ there is like small smexy interactions.

Yelena's POV:

I couldn't stop smiling, she called me mum. I watch her fall asleep before creeping out the room. I shut the door and turn round to see Wanda. "Jesus you gave me a heart attack" I tell her. "Sorry I was just going to see y/n" she says. "She just fell asleep" I say walking away, I turn back and see her still waiting outside y/ns door. It's a bit strange but whatever. I go and find Nat who was back sitting on the living room couch. "When did you get back?" I ask. "Like a few minutes ago" she replies. "hm, she called me mum" I say smiling. "Congratulations, does that mean I can get her to call me cool Auntie Nat?" she questions with a smirk. "No don't be ridiculous" I say. "I was joking, anyway I should be on my way to see Maria to try and fix things" she says before getting up. "Oh well good luck with that".

Nats POV:

I make my way to Maria's office hoping she wasn't in a meeting. Her blinds were open and I could see her sitting typing away on her computer. I knock before entering. "Hey I thought we could talk" I say, she looks up and smiles. "Hey, Nat I'm so sorry, I was stressed with everything and I snapped at you" she says before coming over and giving me a very tight hug. "It's okay, I love you" I say. "I love you too, I promise to make it up to you, I already booked a table for us at your favourite restaurant" she says. "Thank you, did you know y/n called Yelena mum today" I say sitting down on her couch. "really? That's good she must be very happy about that" she says sitting down beside me. "Yeah I asked if that means she could start calling me cool auntie Nat but yelena wasnt to fond of that idea" I tell her, she laughed. "I will go get changed and then we can leave" she says. We walk out her office and I wait outside our room for her to get changed. She comes out and we walk to my car, I convince Maria to let me drive, she has something against my driving.

Y/n's POV:

I started to wake up when I felt someone climb in bed beside me. "Are you awake?" I hear Wanda whisper. "No" I reply. "How are you feeling?" she asks. "I'm feeling better now" I say snuggling into her. She starts to draw pattern on my arm. "How was school?" I ask. "Boring, I was basically taking notes the whole day" she says. "That sucks". "Hey, your really hot" she tells me. "Thank you" I say smirking. "Haha, I mean you are burning" she says. "Hmm I don't know, I don't feel hot. I'm going to go for a walk mabye that will cool me down" I say. "Okay but don't stay out to long and don't go far" I hear her say as I walk out. I walk around the outside of the compound for a while, I stop and look around hoping to see Rose, but unfortunately I couldn't see her. I started to smell smoke and could hear sizzling. I look down at my feet and see that my feet were on fire and was burning the grass. "Shit shit" I yell trying to take them off. It started spreading up my body and I decide to do the old fashion stop drop and roll. It didn't work and the fire kept creeping up my body. "Someone help me please I'm going to be burnt alive" I yell hoping someone could hear me. "Don't worry you will be fine" I hear a person say. I turn and see Rose standing there very ammused. "What? I'm litteraly on fire" I scream at her. "No no this is your abilities coming through, little later than everyone else but you know what they say" she says. "No what do they say?" I ask. "Nevermind, this is just the start, you will eventually be able to control all of this" she says. "Okay how do I stop it?" I ask. "mabye call someone to get a fire extinguisher" she suggests. "I think my phone would burn if I hold it". "Just go get someone then" she yells. I start running off and back into the compound. "Hey can someone like get water or something?" I shout so people can hear me. A man comes over with an extinguisher and starts to spray me, what I didn't realise was that he had the foam one in his hand. "Ew" I say wiping my face. "Yeah thanks" I say walking back to my room. I walk in and see Wanda asleep on my bed. I strip off and head to the shower. I turn the shower on and step in, the water on my body felt amazing. I suddenly feel a pair of arms around my stomach, wanda's body pressed against my back, I could feel that she was also in fact naked. "How was your walk?" she asks. "It was nice" I reply. She starts kissing my shoulders and makes her way up to my neck. Her hands slowly made there way down to my thighs, she slowly rubs them. "What are you doing?" I ask. I could feel her smiling whilst kissing my neck. Her hands slide back up and onto my breasts. She started massaging them. "It's late and we both have school tomorrow" I tell her. "Okay I'll see you in bed" she says then kisses me. She makes her way out my shower and into my bedroom. Around 5 minutes later I get out and dry myself, wanda is already asleep so I quietly join her in bed. I wrap my arms around her and cuddle her until I fall asleep.

I woke up to someone knocking on my door hard. My door bursts open and I could see both Peter and pietro standing above me shocked. "You're sleeping with my sister?!" Pietro yells at me. "What?" I say confused, I realise that I was in the same bed as Wanda and we were both cuddled up naked. "What's happening" I hear Wanda whisper as she wakes up. She opens her eyes and she suddenly snaps up shocked. "Pietro? Haven't you heard of knocking" Wanda yells. "I did but you were still asleep" he yells back. "When were you going to tell me that you were with y/n? Huh were you ever going to tell me" he says. "I was when I felt more confident, but I was scared that you wouldn't accept me" she says. Me and Peter are just watching them slightly embarrassed. "I would always accept you, you are my sister" he says calmly. He then turns to me. "I swear to god I will kill you if you hurt her" he whisper yells, I just nod. They leave and we get up. "Are you okay?" I ask Wanda. "Yeah it went better than I thought" she says. We get dressed and make our way down to the kitchen, Nat and Maria were standing eating toast together. "Morning" I say smiling, Maria looks at me and starts choking. "what?" I say laughing slightly. "Oh wow you might want to hide your neck y/n" Nat says giggling. I go over to a mirror and see that my neck had hickies over it. "Shit" I say. "Good morning" I hear yelena shout from the kitchen. I head back to the kitchen and hope that she wouldn't notice. Yelena passes me orange juice and I start pouring it in a cup I could feel her staring at my neck. "What happened to your neck?" I hear her say angerly. "I burnt it" I obviously lie. She doesn't say anything else but I could still feel her stare. I grab the carton and head to the fridge and put it back. "I'm going to go to school now, Wanda are you ready?" I ask. "Yeah let's go" she says. We walk outside the compound and she grabs my hand. We don't know why Peter and pietro decided to wake us up so early, we had plenty of time so we decided to walk to school today.

Hey dollys
I'm sorry it's been weeks since I last uploaded, I just haven't had time and I'm juggling 3 other stories. I really need to have a timetable, it's nearly the queezmas holibobs so I should have more time to write. The next chapter should be out some point this week I hope.
Bye beasties

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