Chapter 4: gaining with consequences

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Y/n POV:

It was becoming dark very fast. "Geez y/n you missed all your busses, how are you going to get home?" Peter asks. "I'll just walk it will be around an hour walk," I say. "Why don't you ask your parents to come to get you?" Pietro asks. I froze up at the mention of my parents. I never knew my parents I was moved around in the foster system until I practically got chucked out. I lived on the streets for a bit until an old lady called margarine approached me and gave me jobs to do so I could earn enough money to get a place to stay. I obviously still help so I can keep up the rent. "I live by myself," I say softly. I was always jealous when I saw a happy family altogether, In school, they would have a day where you could bring in your mum or dad and they would do work and fun activities together, I would have to sit there and watch every kid be happy with their parents knowing I could never experience it. "Well I should be heading home now by the time I get there it will be 11, see you all tomorrow!" I say leaving the group. The walk is long and boring. Once I get over the bridge I take a break on a bench. I wish I brought a jacket it's freezing out here. I was watching the stars when I see a huge comet looking thing crash into the field a mile or two away. "Don't go, don't go, fuck it" I mutter. I start sprinting my way to the field. After 10 minutes I finally get to the top of the crater. After a few seconds of debating to turn back, I decided to slide down. "What the fuck" I whisper. Sitting there is a big purple rock that looks like it's beating like a heart, it has green specks glowing through it. I try and turn around but it starts to draw me in. My feet move towards it like it has a mind of its own. Voices start appearing yelling at me to touch it. My hand starts to move up. I touch it nothing happens. The next thing I know I was flung back and everything goes black. I start to wake up. My body aches and my vision is blurry. I get up off the ground and dust myself off, my vision starts going back to normal. I stare at the remains of the rock. I start to freak out and decide to start making my way back up the creator. Before starting my walk again I take a quick glance back at the rock. I finally get home later than expected. I was so exhausted I just quickly put on a shirt with shorts and fell asleep.

The next day

I wake up freezing and my body is aching. I look at my clock and realise I've slept in. I can't be bothered going to school today so I'll just skip today. I have no energy to do much today. I go to the kitchen and feed Paul. I grab a mug and pour in some coffee. I stare out my window for a while just watching the lake. A sudden knock on the door snaps me out of my trance. I open the door to find Natalie. "Hey, kid are you okay you don't look too good," she says. "Hi no I feel horrible might be coming down with something," I said. "Well, I was just wondering if you had any sugar?" She asks. I nod and go to grab sugar and give it to her. "Have a nice day" I say before shutting the door. I walk away from the door and I could feel my body start to collapse and my eyes shut.

Maria's POV:

I get a call from fury about how shield has detected high alien activities last night. He already has a team investigating the scene, but I was called to go and get a report from them. I kiss nat goodbye and head down. It's a 15-minute drive. I arrived and saw big tents and people in hazmat suits. "Agent Hill it's nice of you to join us" I hear. I turn around and see a familiar face, Coulson. "Coulson, what happened here?" I ask. "We don't have much evidence, it's new and dangerous, around the crater there are footprints and slide marks so either something came out of it or someone has tampered with it," he says. "Thanks if you get a lead on anything contact fury he seems very intrigued about this," I said. He nods and I walk back to my car. I get back to the flat and find nat cooking soup. "Whatcha making?" I ask. "I'm making soup for y/n she's ill and I want to make her feel better" she replies smiling. "After making the soup im going to bring it to her, would you like to join me?" She asks. I nod in agreement. I start to feel tugging on the bottom of my leg and find our new cat Liho. "Is someone hungry?" I say. After I feed Liho nat is finished with the soup. We knock on y/n's door but no one answered. Nat knocks again but still nothing. "Should we just go in?" I ask. She opens the door and quickly runs in. There on the floor lays y/n. "God she's boiling," nat says. I carefully shake her trying to wake her up. "Hey kid you need to wake up for us," I say softly. Very slowly she starts waking up. "I don't feel well" she whispers. "I think we should take her to the hospital," I say. "No we take her to the compound I trust them more than some doctor" Nat replies. Nat drives and I sit beside y/n in the back seat. We were able to sneak her in without any notice. "Dr Cho" I greet her. "Agent Hill, Romanoff how can I help?" She asks. "Can you help her, we don't know what's wrong she wasn't good this morning and we just found her passed out on the floor" nat says. She puts y/n on the medical bed to be examined. "I can already tell this doesn't look normal, I will run some tests if that's okay with you both?" She asks. I look to nat because it's more of her decision, she nods in agreement. "Great, I don't know how long this will take but I will inform you when im finished," she says. "Thank you," we both say. I grab nats hand and lead her out the room. We start walking the halls. "I think we should tell Yelena" nat blurts out. "If that's what you think is best," I say.


Hello, dolls. Another chapter checked by Grammarly 😩. Anyway, I don't know when the next chapter will be out hopefully soon.
Bye besties.

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