chapter 18

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Y/n's POV:

We arrive back to see a team of agents cleaning the area that I destroyed. Whoopsies.

"Well I should be heading back, I'll inform you later about the situation, now you should probably go find that girlfriend of yours and make some sweet love to her!" She shouts, my eyes go wide and she starts laughing.

She twinkles and disappears before I could say anything back. Sneaky bitch. I turn and make my way into the compound, "Y/n!" I hear my mother scream. "Ew why are you wet" she asks with a disgusted look. "I fell in a river"

"HA! You are so funny sometimes" she pats my back. Her eyes scan my body, her mood changes instantly. "I told you I didn't want you getting hurt".

She grabs my ear and yanks me all the way to the medical unit. By the time we got there I swear I lost all feeling in my ear. I luckily got patched up quickly so I could have a quick shower.

I put on some comfy clothes and make my way to the kitchen. I stop when I see Wanda with a red man who has his arm around her. I watch them closely as they are making a meal.

"Whatcha looking at?" I hear Natasha whisper in my ear. "Ohhhh, someone's jealous" Maria says joining in. "Of course I'm not, I'm just confused why his arm is around her"

"You are so jealous, that's vision, you should watch out for him, he 100% has something for wands" Natasha informs me. "Vision? That's his name? Why is he red?"

"Tony and Thor" Maria tells me, which basically explains everything. "He has been on a mission for a while" Maria says.

Wanda looks up and meets our gaze, she waves slowly. I walk in the opposite direction, okay maybe I'm slightly jealous.

I get to my room and decide to watch the television. There isn't anything entertaining on, there is a knock on the door and Wanda comes in slowly. "Hey" she says smiling.

"Hi" she shuts the door behind her and comes to sit beside me. "Is everything okay?"

I nod and turn the TV off. "Really? Because you looked angry earlier" "Yeah well I don't appreciate my girlfriend getting touched up by someone else"

"Oh he was hardly touching me up! He had his arm around me as a friendly manner!" "I bet he didn't mean it in a friendly way" I mutter. "You are being ridiculous!"

The red thing suddenly appears through the wall and into my room. "Vis I told you to stop doing that" she says to him, I raise my eyebrow at its nickname.

"My apologies Wanda, I have come to inform you that dinner is ready" he says in a very strange tone. "Thank you vis" Wanda says then walks out. WALKS OUT. Leaving me and this thing.

"I don't think we have met yet, I'm vision" he says holding his hand out, which I don't shake. "Y/n" I tell him. "It has been a pleasure to meet you y/n" he says then follows wandas actions.

"It has been a pleasure to meet you" I repeat in a mocking tone. I go back to watching the boring TV.

I skip dinner not wanting to see that toaster, god who does he think he is. I start to drift of to sleep, the door slamming open and shut suddenly wakes me.

Wanda storms towards me furiously, she grabs my face harshly and slams her lips onto mine. "God you're so hot when your jealous"

"I'm not jealous!" I tell her. She smirks at me, "You so are" She straddles me and we make out for a while. My hands slowly crawl up her thighs, she's wearing a short grey skirt with a matching grey jumper which looks absolutely stunning on her.

My hands slide up her ass and I reach the top of her underwear, I start trying to drag them down but she stops me. "I don't think you deserve this baby, you've been a bad girl" she says seductively.

I look up at her with pleading eyes, she grabs my chin. "Those eyes aren't going to work sweetie"

"Please Wanda". She rolls her eyes before she takes her underwear off. She then takes off her jumper, surprisingly she wasn't wearing anything underneath it.

"You are so beautiful" I tell her, she starts blushing which makes me giggle. She moves herself onto one of my thighs, her hips start to grind.

She mixes between moans and kissing my neck. "Wanda, may we watch a movie together?" We hear the stupid android say out of nowhere. We look behind us and he is just staring at us.

Wanda jumps off of me and hides herself in my covers, "Dude what the fuck?! Get the hell out" I yell at him. "I sense some hostility"

I was about to say something but Wanda quickly covers my mouth with her hand. "Vis remember to use the door and not walk through walls, and I can't right now I'm busy"

"Ah my apologies, you were doing sexual activities am I correct?"

"Yes we were having sex and you completely interrupted" I tell him annoyed. Vision gave us a strange face before walking out leaving the door wide open, "Jeez why can't you be nicer to him" Wanda yells at me.

"Wow there is no way you are protecting him" "Of course I am, he polite and kind and you treat him like shit, You have never even had a proper conversation with him!"

She gets up and starts to get dressed, "Wands come on" I say grabbing her hand, she pulls it back and storms out the room. I groan and roll over into my pillow.

Yelenas POV:

I finish doing my paperwork, god it's so boring. Natasha informed me y/n didn't have any dinner so I'm bringing it upon myself to do a motherly thing and get her something.

Walking into the kitchen I see vision and Wanda. I don't go as far as the door. "I'm sorry about her vis" Wanda says to him.

They are whispering so it's quite hard to hear them. Wanda brings her hand up to his yellow stone, he slowly grabs her hand and places it on his face. How strange.

He leans in and kisses her. KISSES HER. What is wrong with her? How could she do this to y/n. I clear my throat making myself known.

Wandas head whips towards me, she pushes vision back. "Yelena i-"

"Don't. I thought you were a good person maximoff" I walk out and to y/n's room. I knock on her door before entering. "Hey kid" I say jumping next to her.

She groans, "want some pizza?" I ask. She jumps up, "YES!"

"Good, get comfy and I'll order it" I tell her. She hugs me tightly, "I need to breath" I say tapping out. Should I tell her what I saw?

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