Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV:

"Pizza's here!"
Mama runs in with the box of cheese pizza then dives onto the bed. She grabs the remote out of my hand and starts scrolling through Netflix. She eventually settles on shrek.

We eat the pizza like pigs. Around half way through the movie Natasha storms in. "You two control your animals!"

Me and mama look at eachother confused, in the background we can hear a barking and Wanda faintly yelling.

We get out of bed and walk towards the sounds. The scene now infront of us contains of fanny barking and chasing Paul along with wanda behind them yelling at them to stop.

I quickly intervene by picking Paul up, mama takes a hold of Fanny and takes her away to her room. "I'm sorry I tried to catch him but he's quite quick" Wanda says coming over and scratches behind Paul's ear.

"It's fine" I smile at her. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier"

"It's okay Wands, I was rude to it so I kind of deserved it". She leans in and kisses me. "Y/n are you ready to continue watching the movie?" Mama asks coming back in the room.

"Yeah I'll be just a second" mama glances at Wanda with a cold face before leaving. "I'll see you later" I peck her lips before running off.

When I walk into my room, I can clearly see that mamas mood has changed. "Is everything alright?"

She looks up at me and softly smiles. "I'm fine" I get into bed next to her and she continues the film. Not long after mama ends up falling asleep, faint snores could be heard escaping her mouth.

I chuckle before turning the movie off. I get out of bed and walk towards the kitchen, I take a glass out of the cupboard and fill it with some water.

An arm wraps around my waist, "hey" she whispers into my ear. "Well hello there". "How was your movie?", "It was good, mama fell asleep"

I could feel Wanda tense up slightly. "You okay?" She turns me around slowly, "I'm good, do you think we could pick up from earlier?"

Her hand slides down my stomach and into my shorts cupping my centre. Her lips connect with my neck, "Wanda someone could walk in"

"That's the thrill sweatheart". She moves her fingers through my folds before sliding a finger in. I bite on her shoulder trying to suppress my moans.

I could feel myself coming close, Wanda realises and starts slowing down. "Wands please", "beg"

"God Wanda, please let me cum, please I need it so bad". Her pace quickens and not long later I finish. We stand there for a while, my forehead leaning on her shoulder trying to catch my breath.

"Are you okay?" She asks rubbing my back. "Yes" I kiss her softly. "Come to my room tonight?"

I nod and she grabs my hand pulling us to her bedroom. I make my way towards her closet and take out a dark red jumper. It smells like her.

I take my top off and pull the jumper on, it's nice and comfy. I then launch myself into Wands bed making both of us bounce. She giggles and pulls me under the covers.

Her arm wraps around my waist and she brings herself closer to me. "I love you" she whispers into my ear.

"I wovey dovey you too wands" I fall asleep to a comforting sensation. When I awake from my slumber I realise I have no longer got the presence of my lover.

I groggily get out of bed and make my way into the kitchen. The fresh smell of baked pancakes flow into my nose. My mouth practically waters from the smell.

"Goodmorning baby, here is your caramel hot chocolate and freshly made chocolate chip pancakes" Wanda says passing me the mug and plate. She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before putting some dishes into the sink.

I sit at the counter watching her, eventually she comes over and joins me. We sit in silence just enjoying each others presence whilst eating.

"Do you want to do something today?" She asks breaking our silence. "Of course, what do you have in mind?"

"I've always wanted to go ice skating","There is a rink not to far from here, we can go there"

As we are setting the plans out mama comes in cheerfully, once she lays eyes on us her mood changes drastically. I look over at Wanda and see her looking down at her empty plate.

"I'm going to go get ready, I'll catch up with you soon". I walk over to the sink and put my dirty plate and mug into it. "Morning mama" I say walking past her. She gives me an awkward nod back.

Yelenas POV:

"Are you ever going to tell her?" I ask, making Wanda look up at me. "Yelena please, I'm really sorry it didn't mean anything"

"You kissed vision!", "I know and it was a mistake, please you can't say anything to her"

She looks like she's near tears. "No, you tell her today or I will tell her. I won't let you hurt my daughter anymore"

I walk out the room leaving her and her thoughts.

Y/n's POV:

After getting dressed and stealing another one of wandas jumpers I make my way towards the kitchen again. Standing there was Wanda not changed staring into a wall.

"Wands you okay?", "Yeah baby everything is fine, I need to get dressed Ill be 10 minutes". She walks past me slowly.

I make sure to grab us hats and gloves as it will be freeeeeezing in the rink. She comes back wearing the cutest outfit.

I toss her a hat and a pair of gloves. "You ready?" I grab her hand and we make our way there.

Upon entering I could feel the frost bite my face. We pay our fee and grab a pair of skates. We awkwardly make our way towards the rink, once my skate makes contact with the ice my leg shoots off making me fall.

I look up and Wanda is in hysterics. I grab the boarder holsting myself up. Wanda more elegantly gets onto the ice, as we are not experienced skaters we did infact look like bambi trying to stand.

We observe other people and copy their actions and eventually learning how to skate, we still looked like we have been drinking but it was progress.

Wanda ended up falling a few times and dragged me down with her. I take her hand and we skate together.

Once we finished that fiasco we ended up going to get something to eat for lunch at a small cafe. The rest of the day we just wandered around some shops.

When we arrived back at the compound she stops me before entering. Her face becomes more serious and her eyes started to glisten. "I need to tell you something"

"Okay, is everything okay? Who do I need to kill-"

"I kissed vision"


y/n Belova Where stories live. Discover now