Chapter 14

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Warning: a little bit of spice 😏

Yelena's POV:

"Who ate my ice cream?!" I hear Nat shout. "yelena!" I hear her shout again, stomping her feet closer to the door. The door flings open, "Did you eat my ice cream?!".

"Shhhh" I say pointing down at y/n sleeping. She immediately shuts up, she then leaves and tries to shut the door as quietly as possible.

Y/n starts to stir, I stroke her hair and it calms her down. "Good morning" she whispers with her eyes still closed. "Morning milyy, did you sleep well?"

"I did, how did you sleep?". "It was good, would you like something for breakfast?". "Nah I'm not hungry right now I'll get something later".

We eventually get up and make our way to the living room. "Finally you two are up, now did you eat my ice cream?" Natasha asks. We look at eachother and then back at Nat, "no" we say shaking our heads. Wanda walks up to y/n and gives her a plate of pancakes.

Y/n's POV:

Wanda gave me some delicious pancakes, they had strawberries and a drizzle of maple syrup then there was a little bowl of syrup on the side. "Thanks wands" I say with a big smile on my face.

"I thought you said you weren't hungry" Yelena says. "I was lying".
I immediately start to eat it all, "God this is amazing".

I finish them in just under 5 minutes. Wanda watched me kind of creepily. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Just admiring" she says. We stare at eachother until yelena decided to come and sit down next to me.

"So what's going on down here" she says eating her cereal. "Nothing much, I was going to ask y/n if she wanted to come to my room to watch a movie" Wanda answers.

"Ooh that is so fun what movie?" she asks. "We aren't sure yet" Wanda says walking over behind me and putting her hand on my back. I slowly stand up and collect my dishes and take them to the sink.

After I take wanda's hand and we go to her bedroom. "Have fun" we hear Yelena shout. Wanda giggles a little. We get to her bedroom and she pulls me onto the bed. She then grabs the controller and puts the Disney movie Cars.

We cuddle together under her covers, she started fiddling with her fingers. Around half way through the movie she sits up and pauses the movie. "Are you alright?" I ask.

"Y/n we have been dating for a while now and I really really like you, I want to be your girlfriend" she says. "I would love that wands".

She has the biggest smile, she leans over and kisses me. She unpauses the movie and we go back to cuddling.

Not long after she puts her hand on my thigh. She starts stroking my thigh and starts getting closer and closer to my centre. She begins to kiss my neck.

Her fingers slowly make their way to the hem on my shorts. She looks at me for consent and I nod letting her know it's okay.

She slides her hand down, her fingers graze my clit slightly, I let out a small moan. She smirks and starts making circles on my clit.

She stops for a moment to take her top off, then proceeds to take mine off. She straddles me and slides her hand back down, she makes long kisses along my chest. Her fingers creep down and she starts to make exhilarating circles.

She slips a finger in, I try an contain my moans because I know for a fact these rooms aren't exactly sound proof and if anyone heard, that would be a whole other story.

She adds another finger and starts to pick up the pace. "Does it feel good?" she whispers, lost for words I nod.

Suddenly the door bursts open revealing Yelena. Wanda quickly gets off of me and we try and hide ourselves. "Hiii I thought I would come join you for your little movie day, have a little girl Bonding time you know" she says before coming over and placing herself between me and Wanda.

"Haha are they actually talking, who would of thought talking cars" we hear her say. Me and Wanda look at eachother kind of shocked, I'm confused if we did or didn't get caught.

"What were you guys doing before I came in?" she asks. "We were watching the movie" Wanda replies. "How you were on top of y/n? And why are you sweating and so out of breath y/n?" she asks. We don't know what to say so we just stay silent. Yelena's eyes grow so big and so fast. "Ewwwww no no no" she shouts and jolts out of the bed. "Were you two you know" she yells and makes weird finger gestures.

We once again don't say anything. "Ewww, I got into the same bed as you, I'm going to take a shower that is so gross" she says before leaving the room

"Well, that was" Wanda begins to say. "Yeah".


Hello another short one sorry.
I can't write smut so I'm very sorry about that. Anyways...

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