Chapter 15

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Yelena's POV:

"NATASHA, NATASHAAAAAAAA" I shout hoping she was near. "What?" I hear her shout back.

"I need youuuuu" she comes stomping over to me. "What?" she says repeating herself. I grab her arm and lead her to a closet.

"Y/n and Wanda were having S E X" I say making some hand gestures.
She raises her eyebrow, "I'm not surprised, they're horny teenagers that's what they do"

"You are disgusting, you are encouraging my daughter to do all that stuff".

"Woah I'm not encouraging her to do anything, what I said did come out as wrong, I'm just saying that they have been together for a while and it's about time they start to explore their relationship in a way".

"Wait they are together? I thought they were just doing it for the funsies"

"Mmm Well, maybe you should talk to her about it" she says then pats my shoulder before leaving

I storm out of the closet and back to wanda's room. I barge in and they look at me worried. "You two are together?" I ask, they nod. "How long?" "A few months" Wanda replies.

"Okay, we are setting rules, no sex when people are around, you tell me if you are staying over in eachother rooms, I don't have anymore right now because I'm still in a state of shock".

I storm out off the room and don't look back.

Y/n's POV:

I'm in shock, I can tell Wanda is too. "So, she knows" I start. "Yeah, I would say it went better than expected" she says. "My mother found out by walking in on us and you say it went better than expected?".

"Well no, I meant that she took it well, she didn't shout and kick you out".

"Yeah I guess, so do you want to continue?" I ask smirking. "Ooh sorry, that would be breaking a rule, now text your mother that your staying over".

"Okay rule freak". I text her that I was staying over and she replied with an okay. A bit dry.

Wanda takes my phone and puts it on the bedside table. She grabs my shirt and pulls me on top of her. She kisses me and it leads to a heated makeout session. She starts to glide her hand up my thigh, she eventually creeps her fingers under my shorts.

I pull back and look at her. "What are you doing?" I ask, she starts kissing me again. "Nothing" she mumbles onto my lips.

Her hand keeps going up and up, "Wanda we can't". "I'm not doing anything wrong".

She stopped and started kissing down my neck. My hand reaches up into her hair. "You are so pretty" she tells me. "Not as pretty as you".

The door flies open once again, which revealed Yelena again...

"I told you no sex!" she shouts. "We aren't having sex!" we both yell back. "Okay, no need to yell, dinner is ready" she says holding her hands up like she's surrendering.

We quickly follow her to the living room, everyone is already sat eating pizza. We grab a few slices and make our way to the couches.

I look outside and see a familiar face looking at us. It takes me a moment but I finally remember who it is. Its the clawd man. "Hey I'll be a few minutes" I tell them before leaving.

I make my way outside and over to where he was standing. "Hello" he says grinning. "Hi"

"I have something to show you" he says before walking away. I quickly follow him, he takes me deep into the forest. He suddenly stops, "You know you are very popular in the kingdom" he says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. "You know what I'm talking about". Suddenly we can hear someone shouting, I turn and see Rose running towards us screaming something.

I look back up and clawdius and his grin was from ear to ear. He suddenly grabs my shoulder and everything became slow motion. I start falling towards the ground.

My body becomes numb and everything becomes dark.

I suddenly open my eyes, I can feel that I'm not where I was before. A sudden pain currupts my stomach, I look down and see a sharp object plunged into my stomach.

I look up and see Wanda standing a few feet away from me. Tears are rolling down her cheeks, I try and speak but blood splatters out. I start to feel light headed. What happened?

I'm really sorry, I'm stuffed with studying and homework. I'm really trying to write as much as I can, I have a two big tests this week and I should hopefully be free after that.
Bye beasties.

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