Chapter 20

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Y/n's POV:

"I kissed vision"

Those words kept replaying in my mind. I haven't talked to her since last week, avoiding her at all cost.

"Knock knock" mama says before coming in. I don't look up at her but instead continue to stare at my wall. She walks over to me and crouches down so she is now in my view.

She strokes my cheek, "Up little one, its time for you to stop moping around" she pulls the covers off of me all the heat escapes. "Up up"
She yanks me off the bed, "Into the shower". Fanny bursts through the door, she comes over and sniffs me before going to mama. "See even fanny thinks you're stinky".

I have a quick shower washing my hair and body. When I get out I see that mama has put out some clothes for me. I dry my hair and put on the jeans and a t-shirt.

I slowly wander out my room and into the kitchen where mama was cooking. "Ah there you are, I have made macaroni it always helps me feel better so I thought I would share" she comes over with the pot and puts a portion in a bowl.

I'm not going to lie her mac is amazing, I finish it in no time. "we are going out today, so get your shoes on and meet me at my car"
I go back to my room and slide on my shoesies.

Then I get into the elevator, it stops a floor down, the doors open revealing one of the two people I don't want to see. Wanda. Her eyes light up slightly at the sight of me.

She gets in and presses the button before turning to me. "Y/n" I don't look at her. She grabs my hand which I tear out of her grasp.

"Please look at me" her hand touches my face. "Stop" I pull away from her. "Y/n please" she gets onto her knees and hugs my legs. She starts crying begging me to talk to her and that her kiss with vision meant nothing.

The elevator stops at my floor, I escape her hold and walk out leaving her crying on the floor. Mama is already in the car, I hop in the passenger seat. Fanny is in the back wagging her tail. "Where are we going?"

"We are going to feed the ducks again" she drives us to the pond. I put fanny on a leash so she doesn't dive in and chase the ducks. She walks beside us occasionally sniffing the ground.

Mama hands me a few slices of bread and we tear parts off and throw them into the water. Loads of ducks start swimming towards us, picking at the chunks of bread. Once fanny noticed the ducks she starts barking at them, which scared them.

Mama is in hysterics, near crying at the scene. It made me giggle. Once mama calms down from her laughing fit she takes fanny away from the ducks, I follow. "Ice cream?" She offers.

"Of course". We walk over to a small shop, we look over the flavours. Mama picks fanny up, "what one would you like?" Fanny doesn't seem interesting in picking, she just looks around. "Do you want the chocolate chunk?" Fanny barks. "You're not going to give that to her! She will get ill"

"What? Nonsense I give Fanny chocolate all the time and she's never been sick", "No stop doing that, we will get her a cone of whipped cream, now what do you want?"

She scans the flavours once again before picking. "I'll get salted caramel" we buy our ice creams and sit down on a bench. "Fanny, sit" she follows my command and I give her the cone stuffed with cream.

"I saw Wanda today", she scoffs. I put my head on her shoulders, "I'm going to visit Rose tonight". "Okay be careful, we don't need you getting more injured"

We finish up and she takes us back to the compound. I sit in the livingroom watching the television, Paul came over and sat on my lap.

I hear a loud thump which startled both me and Paul. I get off the couch to go and investigate, as I turn the corner I can see Wanda stumbling around. She spots me and starts to run over before falling. I walk over and help her, the closer I got the more alcohol I could smell. "Jesus Wanda how did you even get alcohol?"

"Tony's stash isn't very hidden, but don't tell him" she yells putting a finger on her lips. "Let's get you to bed" I lift her into my arms bridal style and carry her to my room as it was closest.

I change her into some of my jammies then help her brush her teeth. I gently place her on my bed, "Why don't you love me anymore?" She whispers quietly, I would have missed it if I hadn't been paying attention.

I continue to tuck her in, as I turn away she grabs my arm. "Please stay" I look at her, her eyes were glossy full of tears. If I hadn't said yes they would probably all have spilled down her cheek. I slowly park myself beside her, she almost immediately cuddled into me. "Why don't you love me anymore?" She repeats.

"I do" she looks up at me. "You don't act like it", "That's because I'm mad at you" nothing else was said. She fell asleep quickly, I slip out of her grip. I take another look at Wanda before leaving the room. I walk over to mamas room, knocking before I enter. She isn't asleep yet, she looks away from her TV and over to me. "Can I sleep here tonight?"

She smiles and moves over, I run over and into her bed. "Is everything okay?", "Wanda is in my room", "do you want me to get rid of her" I shake my head.

It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep. Mama was gone when I awoke. I slide out her bed, I walk to the kitchen, Wanda was sitting with mama, they both had unhappy faces. Mama looks up at me, "I'll leave you two to talk" mama says. She walks out and I walk over to her.

"Are you sober?", "fully, with a horrid headache". I make her a small glass of water, "thank you" she smiles softly. I sit down next to her. "I'm really sorry about last night, and about kissing vision. I love you y/n, I mean really love you and what happened with vision was a big mistake, please I need you to forgive me" she grabs my hand tightly.

I look at her, "I forgive you" she turns her head so she's facing me. She looks into my eyes and starts leaning in, "no" I pull away from her, she looks at me confused. "You kissed vision, I'm still trying to get over that, so can we just take it slow for the next few weeks"

She gives me a sad smile, "of course", "How about we watch a movie". She takes my hand and we walk to just outside her room. "Can you get set up? I need to go see mama for a minute","yeah"

I quickly jog to mamas room, I open the door to see her doing paperwork. Rushing over I give her a huge crushing bear hug. "Woah, I see you two have made up", I nod. "Good, When are you going to visit Rose? You didn't go yesterday"

"I'm not sure, soon hopefully I don't want it to seem like I've abandoned them". I hug mama one more time before going back to wandas room.

"Hey, you ready?" She asks, "of course" I hop into bed next to her and I snuggle into her.

y/n Belova Where stories live. Discover now