Chapter 10: Who?

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Y/ns POV:

Once Yelena dropped us off, me and Wanda walked around the Mall. I begged her to go into the Disney shop because well who wouldn't. "Wanda look! It's so big". I drag her all around the shop looking at everything. Disney was one of my favourite things I loved nearly every movie, I bought myself a jack skeleton mug. Wanda told me she hasn't watched many Disney movies, oh I will force her to watch them with me. We then went to get some food, we decided to split up I went to go get a subway and Wanda went to burger King. We met back up and found a table to eat at, I got a lovely Italian bread with cheese and ham, and Wanda got a cheese burger. "So what movies have you seen?" I ask. "I have seen the girl with ice, belle and the one where she falls asleep after pricking herself on a needle" she replys. "that's it? Oh we are watching them all". After lunch we went to buy some clothes, I just buy some jeans and a new jumper.

Rose's POV:

I rush through the halls as I'm late to the meeting. When I get to the door I take a deep breath before entering. "Ah Rose there we you are, are we all ready for the meeting to commence?" Julias asks. We all nod before taking our seats. Julias is one of the leaders in a different area. "1st thing on the egenda, Rose has y/n obtained any of her abilities yet?". "no Julias I've been watching ove her but she seems to be normal, she's completely different from all the others" I say. "My scouts have spotted them getting closer and your leader has no abilities, what happens when they come huh let them take over, I'm sorry Rose but once they take over none of us will be able to stop them and they will take over our kingdoms too" Danielle says. "They won't take over! I will figure out a way to stop this from ever happening, y/n will get her powers its just taking longer, you have to trust me please" I say.

Y/n's POV:

After shopping me and Wanda just walk around until it was 5, we went to the same spot and waited on Yelena coming. We hear a loud horn and turn to see Yelena with a dog in the passenger side. We get in and yelena asks us about our shopping trip. "Oh this is Fanny, she doesn't like cats so you might want to keep your cat away" Yelena says. We arrive back at the compound and I go to put my clothes away. I realised that Paul wasn't in the room, so I start to look around. It took me around 30 minutes to find the rascal, he was sitting in the main entrance. I sit beside him but he immediately walks away "rude" I mutter before following him. He leads me straight out of the compound and into the forest. "Where are you going?". After a while I start to remember the trail. We keep walking until we of course come across the large tree. "You sent my cat to come fetch me" I say laughing a little. "Well it saved me walking to get you" I hear Rose say beside me. "You ready?" she asks. "It looks like I don't have much of a choice". I pick up Paul and she knocks 5 times then turns the branch. We get sucked in and I end up on the floor again. I feel a loss in my arms and realise Paul isn't there. "Are you coming?". I look up and see Rose smirking with Paul in her arms. "Traitor" I mutter. I get up and follow her, "I didn't order a carriage today so we will have to take another way into the city" she says and walks closer to the edge of the cliff. She then turns to me and takes a step off falling all the way down into a river. I get closer to the edge and am about to jump until I got scared and tried to back out of it but my foot slips and I go tumbling down. After a few seconds of falling I crash into the water. Swimming up to the surface I see rose and Paul completely dry. "How are you not soaked?" I ask. "It's a secret" she says. I get out and we continue walking into the city. We walk through the market area which was reasonably quiet. Unexpectedly a little boy runs right into me and then stumbles over onto the ground. I kneel down to his level. "Sorry about that, are you alright?" I ask and give him a hand up. Before he could talk a woman probably his mother interrupts. "I'm so so sorry, William say sorry now" she says. The little kid apologised quietly. "Oh no need to apologise it was my fault I didn't look" I say. She then bows and grabs the boys hand and runs away. "what's with the bowing?" I ask Rose. "Well you're there ruler they probably want to show some respect" she says. After exploring nearly all the city we go to the castle. We walk into a large room and almost immediately people come in and start measuring me. I give Rose a weird look. "They are getting your measurements so that whenever you come here you can at least look like us" she says. A man walks in and whispers into Rose's ear, her smile drooped down into a frown she then looks up at me. "We need to go now" she demands. She grabs my arm and we run to the front of the castle where a horse and carriage stood. We hopped in and the horse started galloping. "Is everything alright?" I ask. "You aren't ready" she mutters.

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