chapter 22

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Y/n's POV:

Once me and Wanda got better I decided to take her into the kingdom. I knew she found it a bit confusing but got use to it. That night we were on the balcony watching the town and everyone in it.

"Marry me". She looks at me. "What?", "Marry me wands". A smile grows on her face, she pulls me into a fast and gentle kiss. She slowly moves away and looks at me with her eyes. "Of course I'll Marry you".

So once we got back we announced it to the team, my mama was the most excited. The minute we told them, she started crying and pulled us in for a big hug. "My baby is getting married".

Months of planning, we eventually got everything perfect, we were having it in the kingdom, infront of every citizen, because apparently from rose its tradition.

The day of the wedding, I was panicked and so was Wanda. Mama walked me down the Isle where my beautiful girl was standing in her white dress. We go through the ceremony, mama was crying hard but was trying to hide it, Maria and nat were trying hard to keep it together.

"Do you Wanda maximoff take the Y/n Belova to be your lawfully wedded wife". She looks at me with a bright smile and teary eyes. "I do". My heart jumps a little.

"And do you Y/n Belova take the Wanda Maximoff to be your lawfully wedded wife". "I do".

"I now pronounce you wife and wife" she brings me into a kiss. Everyone starts clapping. Before dancing we had dinner, which was delicious. Some of the team made speeches which were ultimately cheesy.

We danced for hours on end, many people got drunk, when everything ended me and Wanda passed out on our bed.

A week or two later we went on our honeymoon moon. We went to France and had a lovely time in Paris.

Years went by me and Wanda moved out of the compound and into a large house not far away. Paul enjoyed running around the garden, Wanda begged us to get a dog. After her convincing me, we got a small raggy dog called sparky.

We eventually started trying for children, it took a while but Wanda fell pregnant with not just one but two. 9 months later Billy and Tommy were born.

A whole 10 years later me and Wanda plus the boys and the animals are all living happily together.

I'm sorry, i feel like this story is starting to go downhill plus I have no idea what else to write for it. Thank you for everyone's support!
A final goodbye beasties

y/n Belova Where stories live. Discover now