Chapter 33

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She sipped on her wine as she sunk into her chair; it was like she can still feel him next to her. Her eyes were puffy and red from all the crying she did after he left. The envy of all the attention she got from him was given to someone else, someone she felt had lesser value than her was so intense that she couldn't believe it herself.  How could this happen? She thought men gravitated towards her easily and gave her what she wanted without asking, so how was she being tossed to the side by the mere presence of someone who had never been in the spotlight. 

She looked at the photos and videos she stole from Jimin's phone and then the magazine she had on her counter of JayPark and his mystery girl. When this first came out everyone was in awe because there has never been a woman by that man's side. It was safe to assume he had his flings but nothing ever made headlines to this extent. 

After the news made headlines within the day nobody could buy a copy and the reports were taken down. Tzuyu still had a copy since it was her favorite magazine. She looked at it again and was amused. She had the evidence to back up that they were the same person. But then she stopped, she thought of how harmful this could be. The videos were not something scandalous, it was destructive. 

Contemplating what she would do when the time was right if Y/n didn't back down she got a message from Jimin. Her face lit up but happiness ceased to exist within seconds. She opened the message to see a photo. " That bitch!" She fumed throwing her glass at the wall. Y/n was sleeping soundly on Jimin's bare chest. He then sent, "Stop threatening her and move on” he chastised. 

She began to boil as her mind was going blank. All she felt was hatred and resentment and now there was no stopping her tidal wave. 

Time skip- Next day

Loud banging could be heard from Y/ns door. " Jimin'' she grumbled under her covers. The person kept knocking again. "Jimin go answer the door," she said again. He finally got up and opened the door to see her parents and GD. They stood silent as half-naked Jimin stood in the doorway of their only daughter's room. "Wah di rass…!! Y/n get yuh ass up" her dad said infuriated. She got out of bed fully clothed and strolled to the door still exhausted. "Alright calm down. You and me both know nothing happened" her mother said moving her father to the side. GD, glared at Jimin before a smirk appeared. "Ah my head, why are y'all being so loud its still morning," Y/n said while rubbing her head. "It's about to be 1 in the afternoon and you haven't picked up any of our calls. And we can see why" her mother said mumbling the last part. She glared at her mother's wild implements of what was going on. "What's the matter now? We're engaged, aren't we?" she said aggravated. 

Reading the atmosphere GD stepped in. "I think we have more serious things to talk about other than this. Get dressed and come downstairs both of you" he said. 

Jimin left her room to get himself ready and she did the same. After they went down to see both their parents sitting at the dining room table. Still, with a massive headache, Y/n sat slouched in her chair. "Look at this," her mom said. Putting a magazine down on the table. Not reading it she felt disgusted seeing the man who tortured her for so long. She became nauseous but it was likely the help of how much edibles she ate last night. "What is this? nobody reads paper magazines anymore" She said putting it down on the table. 

"Clearly you don't read at all, look at the title child," her mom said. She looked at her parents before picking it up again and reading it. 'The mystery girl has been revealed' and on the fine print, it said to go to page 13. She flipped to page 13 to see her face and pictures that were ok for the public eye that Jay took of her all over the article.  '17 going on 18-year-old Raven or should we say Y/n L/n has been the one pulling on Jay Park's heartstrings. Sources say her parents allowed for this relationship and even talk of marriage. However, it seems like this cute girl also caught the eye of others like the Chief of police Kwon Ji-yong son, Park Jimin, and businessman Choi Seung-Hyun son Suh Young-ho. What has this girl got that has the boys going crazy. 

"And that's not all, a video was circulating around" her mom passed her the phone. It was a video of her and Jay. It was edited to sound like she was laughing. 

"Jimin", she said still looking at the phone. She was trembling still looking at all of the lies. "I didn't give her anything, she probably took them when I was sleeping," he said. Y/n got up from the table and walked off to her room. Jimin went after her while her parents sat at the table holding their heads. 

She walked into her room and took out clothes to wear. It was all black clothes so she didn't ruin anything she liked. "What are you doing? Where are you going?” he said as she put on her pants. "I'm going to kill that bitch", she buttoned her pants. "As you're now do you really think you can or if it's even worth it" he took her shoes from her "Yes Jimin. That stupid bitch just put my business out there and fucking lied about the whole thing. She is trying to hurt me" she said zipping up her hoody. Her eyes started to turn red and her head and heart started to thump.

"I know and I'm sorry, but you're not being rational right now. What do you think you will gain from killing her? Do you want that on your conscience? You can't handle anything else right now" he held onto her. She started to cry uncontrollably. " Why do you keep trying to protect her? Jimin if you want to be with her you can. She isn't going to stop until you do, so why don't you already" she wiped away her tears. "Why the hell do you keep saying that?" His head started to pound. 

Downstairs while this was all happening. GD got a call from work. "Speak fast im dealing with something right now," he says while walking out the dining room. "The inmate escape, he killed two of our sergeants before running away," the person on the other line said frantically. "When did this happen?" GD was at the tipping point of an explosion. *Last night, one of the other transported inmates told the detectives" the person on the other line said. GD squeezed his nose bridge at the sign of a migraine. "Ok, I need reports and I want this whole place covered" he hung up and went back to the dining room. 

"Is something else wrong?" MrsL/n asked. "Rosario escaped last night" he said. "I should have killed him while we had the chance" Mr. L/n already aggravated hissed. ”He is still a child, we don't kill children," Ms. L/n said. She turned to GD and asked a request of him. "Don't tell Y/n of this. She isn't going to be able to handle both of this if what new information we got on him is true. Just tell Jimin so he is aware and ready if the time comes he has to face him. I don't want either of them getting near him. His grandad created a monster that led to his own demise so he sees us as mere ants. Just keep yourself protected" she said. 

They went up to go and see her before they left. They knocked a few times before she came out of her room. "Please don't be sad about all of this we already have ppl wiping it from the internet and the article being unpublished-” she stopped her mom. " That's not the point. Im being targeted and she is playing dirty. Tell me something, if I killed someone you could cover it up to make it look like an accident?" She said. They stood silent in shock and upset at what she said.

"Don't ever speak like that again. Do you know how it feels to be the cause of a person's death regardless if it was you who got your hands dirty or somebody else" her mother said.  "Yes, it won't be my first or my last. That bitch crossed me and I'm not letting her bite me again. I would just hope you use your power when I need it most" she said walking back into her room. "Bye mom bye dad," she said before closing the door. 

They looked at each other realizing the danger. She was serious and they knew she was. It was only a matter of time before this happened but it was still too soon for comfort.

In a deep dark part of Seoul Rosario resides. "Ahh, how lovely," he said while watching the same video of Y/n on the phone of the man he stole from. He laid in the bed watching it trying to figure out why it was so off until he got up and left the apartment he was in and the naked woman that was sleeping next to him. He saved a copy of the video onto the phone before it could have been deleted. As he suspected by the time he got to the place the video was taken down. 

He sat down at one of the computer desks and plugged his phone in. He downloaded the video and waited for it to upload. When it was done he analyzed the video to see what IP address it was sent out from. He did his research and kept digging until he found a location. 

Later that night he did some more digging to find a name and face. He searched the names of everyone living in the complex and everyone that went to the same school as her. There were a few names so he did some more digging when he came across Tzuyu. She was the only one that lived in the complex that was in her class. He looked through her social media and seen old photos of Jimin and her together. "Bingo,"  he said. He spilled water on the computer and completely broke the powerhouse before leaving. It was about 1 am and he was itching for some fun. 

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