Chapter 6

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Jimin pov

I jolted out of my sleep and started breathing heavily. ‘What the hell happened to me?’ I wondered to myself. I looked around the dark room and noticed it was still pitch black outside. I felt something in the palm of my hand that felt warm. 

 Looking down I saw small hands that almost fit perfectly in my fist. It was a passed out Y/n on the floor with Milo and a book on her lap. 

I got up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I looked at my other hand and noticed I had a bandage on the spot where I got slashed. This dude from some gang in Busan got me good with that hit. He and his buddies came all the way to Seoul just to pick a fight with us and lost terribly. Let's just say they won't be going back home. 

I got up from the couch and stretched my joints. I looked at the clock that emitted light enough to blind a person. It was almost 3 in the morning. “Shit” I grumbled. Tzuyu told me to pick her up after I was done studying in the library with Y/n. She is already suspicious of me so this will probably make matters worse for Y/n.  

I bent down and picked the puppy up from Y/n lap and put him on his bed in the corner.  Walking back over I took Y/n book and put it on her coffee table before picking her up. I carried her to her room to put her to bed. When I lifted her up she wrapped her legs around my waist. I could feel everything from her waist down radiating heat on my bare skin as my shirt started to ride up my torso.  Her warmth reminded me of the other day. I don't know why I did it but I knew I wanted her at that moment.

She rested her head on my shoulder as she slept.  Every low breath she took tickled my neck. Her lips brushed against my skin that was being exposed from her pulling it down as she wrapped her arms around my neck as well. Feelings started to engulf my body as I was taking her to her room. Her doing this to me now of all times didn't help this feeling I already had. I don't know if this is a trap or an innocent accident but whatever it is I have to end it now before I regret my actions later. 

Setting her down on her bed she laid in a position where I could see more than what I should have. Her big shirt crawled up her torso exposing her lower breast to me.

Her black shorts that stopped above her pegs now showed little pieces of her red laced underwear. 

I threw her sheet over her and quickly got out of her room. My pants started to get tight as I left her house. The vision of her in that position took over my brain and now all I could think about is her. “I don't like her she is fat and ugly" I kept telling myself over and over again hoping for it to come true. 

I walked all the way home since my car was at school and I didn't feel like going for it. Reaching my house I crept inside slowly so no one could hear me. I strolled into my room and took a shower to wash off all the dirt from yesterday. My body feels sore like I just got out of a fight with a tiger. When I was done I went to sleep since I had a few more hours until school.

Y/n pov:

This morning I got up bright and early. I woke up in my bed instead of the floor which was a major shock for me since I was on the floor last time I checked. Walking into the living room I checked to see if Jimin was there but he had already left. “Goodbye to you too” I grumbled. 

Plopping on my couch I sat on his sweater. “Gggrrrreeeeeaaaaaattttttt,” I said aloud. That dumb dumb left his sweater now I am going to have to find a way to give it back without his bitchy girlfriend finding out.

“More and more trouble for me to endure. You're doing great sweetie” I mimicked a soccer mom's reaction to her son kicking the ball in the wrong net. My days of peace and serenity were long gone now. I don't even know why I search for them.

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