Chapter 20

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 G Dragon: 


"Why had he not gotten her back yet? Is this the end for this" the man slid over the document with our negotiation on it. It took me years to persuade them for this submersion and it's all going to be ripped away with one blow. A headache was starting to come on to me.  "I trust my son's ability, he will get her back. If by the end of this month she is not back in Seoul we can terminate it" I tried to reason with them. The man and woman sitting across from my table gave each other a look. "How can we trust him to carry out such a big task as to run a company if he can't even take care of..." the woman stopped herself. The man next to her tried to calm her down. She was right he was incapable of doing what he was supposed to do but I believe this is just something he and only him can do. "Alright, one month and nothing more. We will be staying in Seoul until then. Don't disappoint us" they got up grabbing their belongings. They walked to the door of my office pushing it up behind him.

When the door closed behind them I threw all my things off the desk. That boy better not mess this up. 

Y/n pov

The jet got to a steady altitude in the sky. I was lost in thought that I could not tell how long we were flying for. "Come on" Kris had already gotten up and walked to the back of the plane where Jay was. I got up from my seat and stomped over to where Jay was. 

I got to his cabin to see him already changed into new clothes. He was with two girls sitting beside him not even phased by what he did. He had his arm around both and smirked as I walked in. Getting in front of him I smacked the disgusting grin off his face. Hard enough to the point where the palm of my hand were stinging me. He looked in a different direction as anger started to form on his face. 

Kris grabbed my hand and tried to stop me from doing it again. "Why did you do it? Why did you kill him? You had no reason to" I was fuming.  I tried to jerk my hand away from Kris but he was too strong. "Get out," he told everyone but had a piercing glare that kept me here. That didn't phase me, I was at the edge ready to jump off to my demise.  He got up from his seat and walked past me. I turned around to see him going to the bar on the other side of the room. He poured himself a cup of Gin and put an ice cube in it. 

He started to laugh as he drinks his liquor like the sick fuck he is. "That was sexy, I did not think you had it in you," he walked over to me and held me by my waist. "Get the hell off of me," but I just couldn't get out of his grip. "I thought you hated him, he always used to pick on you and hit you so I just did what any man would do for his girl and just end it" his honeyed voice was distorted. I pushed away from him, and walked to the door. "I will let this slide once since you're a bit upset but don't do that shit again," I rolled my eyes before slamming it shut. 


The plane was finally landing and I still don't know where we are going. I had already changed into some jeans and a shirt that Kris bought for me. The whole flight I did not hear anything from Jay. That man is sick in his head and he always seems to get what he wants. I could not stand it. 

I looked out the window to see it was already night. As the plain started to degrade through the thick clouds I could see bright lights down below. It was a city, I turned my head back over to Kris who was listening to music. I poked him on his shoulder a few times but he wasn't responding. I reached to pull out his headphones but he grabbed my hand. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Where are we? You guys just forced me on a plane without no warning" he grumbled before taking back his headphones. "We are in Beijing, this is the first stop for his world tour," he said before stuffing his headphones on. My mouth dropped, I could not believe what I was hearing. This man was going to string me along to all of these shows and cities. I was never going to get home. 

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