Chapter 11

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Y/n pov

Walking into school I looked around for Jimin but there was no sign of him anywhere. Praying that he didn't do anything to hurt himself I walked into class believing he was ready to make my life miserable. I rather that than him doing anything that could harm himself. As much as I hate it I don't want any pain to come to him or anyone for that matter. 

Looking at my empty seat his was as well empty. Sighing, I sat down and got out of my work for the class. 

A few periods passed and it was about to be lunch but still, Jimin did not come. I called him multiple times thinking he cooled down but nothing. Getting really worried I pulled out my phone to text him for the fourth time.

Text messages

Y/n: Are you okay?

Y/n: Where are you im really worried?

Y/n: I'm sorry just please answer me

Y/n: Please answer

End of text messages

The bell for lunch rang and all the other students left to go hang out with their friends. I put my head down and wallowed in my own regrets. "I should have forgiven him" I whispered to myself as tear droplets fell from me slowly. Before I could do a full-on bawling a hand touched my shoulder followed by a soft voice. "What's wrong?" The person said before crouching beside me. Looking over in their direction a little rush of happiness spread through me. My tears seem to dry so quickly hearing his voice. "Johnny!" I gave him a huge hug, enough to stop blood flow. "God knows how much I missed you" he whispered before wrapping his arms around me. "I missed you too but why didn't you come to school yesterday is everything okay?" We pulled away from the tight hug. 

Sighing he looked away from me "It's nothing important just family affairs" he got up from his position beside me. It was obvious that whatever was going on was bothering him "You can always talk to me. I'm here for you" I held his hands that were clenching into a fist. Looking up at him from my seated position he smiled down at me. "Shouldn't I be the one saying that? I did find you crying moments ago. What's wrong?" He sat down at the desk next to mine with our hands interlocking still.

"This morning something happened between me and Jimin-". "DID HE HURT YOU AGAIN?!?!?" Johnny became agitated in seconds. His eyes became cold like ice as many thoughts ran through his mind. "It's not that bad-"I was cut off by him again. "What's not that bad. DID HE HIT YOU AGAIN!?!? SHOW ME NOW!!!" he started to yell again. "If I show you don't get mad or do anything too rash". "No promises," he said while wiping the stress from his face. A little nervous from showing myself like this, I pulled down my tights to my hips to reveal the dark Blauch.

Looking over to Johnny his face became red with anger as one of his fists was to his mouth. His foot tapped vigorously as if he was trying to bore a hole in the floor. Gently pulling it up just brushing against it burns like hell. "I'm really worried he will hurt himself. Jimin left this morning upset because I didn't forgive him but when I went to his room there was blood all over his wall from him punching it so hard. I tried to text him to see if he was o-" once again I was cut off. "Stop trying to care for him. He is cruel and he always will be. You can't fix something that is already destroyed. All he will do is hurt you" Johnny's voice was not as tense as before but distress was in his voice. "But-". "But nothing, he isn't a good person. Just trust me and try to avoid him". He said while relaxing his temper. "That's easier said than done. I live with him now"I slouched in my seat. "Then live with me and my family" a smile spread like a wildfire across his face. "If I'm moving out of their house I'm going right back to my home country". To rephrase my mother's words.

There was a long pause between us. He sighs deeply but it ends up being softer than a lamb. "I don't want you to leave me so soon but if Jimin keeps this up, for your own safety I think you should go back home." he was serious about every word he spoke. Though my leaving could stop this whole thing, I don't want to run away. I have to face my problems head first if I want them to end.

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