Chapter 3

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Taehyung pov:

Jimin was so pissed this morning he said it wasn't about Y/n being late but we all could see right through his facade.

"Where the fuck is she? I'm going to slam her head into a wall when I find her fat ass" he hissed. We all stood in shock at what came out of his mouth but not surprised. Jimin was never the first one to initiate violence when it came to any girl. He was more likely to use them but when he does there is usually a reason behind his cruelty we don't understand.

"Hey Johnny" I waved over my cousin who was walking through the gates of the school. I saw him in class a few times last year when I actually attempted to show up. He always had that cool and calm vibe so I always wondered how we were related. Our dads have a joint business together but we don't see him very often. 

He walked over without a care in the world. "Do you know a girl named Y/n by any chance? Short, chubby, doesn't speak much" I asked. "No, is she new?" he shrugged. "Nah she is just really quiet she has been invisible since she got here," I told him. "Never seen her before," he said. "Well If you see her around tell her we are looking for her" he nodded his head before leaving. Class was about to start so we all walked to our classes thinking she would be there but she wasn't in class either.

Jimin was enraged for the first few minutes of class but then his face started to soften. He started to have a worried look on his face. "Hey Jimin, you want to go to the mall today. I need new bras and lace underwear." Tzuyu, his girlfriend, sat down in Y/n seat to talk to him. "Sure but I can't stay out too long," he grumbled.

That bitch was always begging for something. "What's wrong with you? You look so down lately" anyone could answer that dumbass question. She has been spending his money on shit she didn't need. She once spent over a $1000 on makeup she didn't even use. "Its nothing, now go to your seat. The person who sits there is soon coming" he snapped. "Who cares, they could find another seat" she whined. Jimins face got cold again as he stared at the door to the classroom. It was Y/n. She looked really cute for a piggy. She was talking to Johnny with the biggest smile. I think this is the first time I ever saw her smile like that, her cheeks even turned a scarlet. 

Jimin wasn't too happy seeing her talk to Johnny, his fist clenched as veins bulge from them. When she walked in he did not take his burning stares off her for a single second. His glare was caught by everyone in class, even Ms.Filgeresh was uncomfortable. "Babe whats wrong?" Tzuyu asked but anger clouded Jimin's eyes. Y/n sat next to me in class since her seat was taken. I and Jimin texted for the first half of class. He told me to give her a hard time until lunch comes around. I was skeptical as to why but shit why not I wasn't going to do classwork anyways. Plus her reaction when we came into the room yesterday was the cutest thing I ever saw, I wanted to see it again.

During class, I tripped her, pulled her hair, threw paper balls at her and made a moaning noise but nothing, she did nothing. She was screwed come lunchtime. Since she had no reaction we were going to squeeze one out of her. She tried to leave after I warned her about what was to come during lunch for being late. We punched and kicked her while everyone watched. She held back tears even though it hurt like hell. It felt wrong after a while and I did not want to continue. 

When we were done Jimin dumped out a whole trash can on her. Milk and moldy food spilled all over her and no one did anything to help her like usual. We walked away but Jimin stayed behind. He most likely was going to beat her up some more so we left him. When he came back he was smiling like crazy.

" What are you so happy about?" Suga questioned as Jimin sat down at our designated table. His smile spread across his whole face like the bubonic plague. "Nothing" he realized what he was doing so he stopped smiling. Lunch finished earlier than expected so we went back to class to get our stuff.

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