Chapter 13

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Marching inside my house. I slammed the front door before walking upstairs. It's a little after 7 so I still have some time before the meeting begins. Passing by my brother's rooms a door opened behind me. The smell of weed and laughing girls seeped from the room. “You found anything about where she was taken?” I turned my head to see Hoseok in a dark blue bathrobe while some half dressed girl locked onto his waist. “I don't think it's any of your concern” I growled about to walk back to my room. Turning back in the direction I was going, Taehyung blocked my path. “Stop bullshitting we want to help get her back just as much as you do. You can't do this alone you know” he said before crossing his arms and leaning on the wall. 

“Oh really?... Well, watch me” I pushed past him and headed straight to my room slamming the door shut. I prepared for this long night ahead of me. 

Time Skip: 

There was not much traffic upon arrival. I could already see how rowdy it is just from being a block away. The updated version of this club still has its old reputation and old vibes. Greed, troublesome, lasciviousness all in one. Getting out of my car I made sure to carry my M1911 pistol in my shoulder holster under my jacket. I'm only here to talk for now so there's no need to go in with guns blazing.

Walking inside, the club smelled of burnt out weed, alcohol and sweaty ass fused in one. I walked through the dance floor to sit at the bar and ordered a drink while waiting for 11 pm to hit.

Sipping the last of my scotch, a lady sat in the seat next to me. She had on a tight red dress that had more cleavage than fabric. “What brings big daddy G son to a scene like this” she snickered. “Nothing that should concern a whore like you now piss off or you are going to regret bothering me” I sneered. “Awh..” her lips pursed as she rested her head on her hand and looked at me. “I thought you loved girls like this…” I have never seen this woman a day in my life so how could she possibly know what I like. Ignoring I signaled the bartender to pour me another glass. “...oh wait I forgot big exotic bitches seems to be more of your style nowadays isn't it” sniggering she drunk a sip of her wine. 

With no hesitation, my hands were around her neck ready to take her life without a second thought. I dragged her out the club to an abandoned alley at the side of the club. No one stopped me or even made the slightest movement in my direction. Grabbing my arm she tried to pull my hand off her but my grip was too strong at this ticked state. “What did you do to her?!?!?” Mind clouded I squeezed on her neck as she gasped for air. Holding her neck with one arm her body dragged across the concrete floor. Slamming her up against the wall she coughed out blood on my hand. “Where is she?!!!!!! Speak now bitch!!!!!!” a few civilians passing by hurried out of the alleyway when they saw this happen. She laughed provokingly as I squeezed every breath out of her. “You think a few love taps will get anything out of me you better believe I ain't telling you shit” she spat at me. Pulling out my gun I was ready to blow her head clean off. “DO IT!!, you will never get to see your precious baby girl again” snickering her eyes rolled. 

“Park Jimin, what brings you here?” an unbodied voice laughed behind me followed by others. The feelings of a pistol brushed the back of my head. Still suffocating the woman she was at her last breath. “THIS DOES NOT CONCERN YOU!!” I yelled before slamming the girl on the wall again. “That's my girl you got their so let her go Jimin or me and my guys will blow your brains out right here”. “I don't give a fuck as long as I'm taking her with me” I heard her bones crack in my hand as I clenched my fist around her neck. Dark bruises started to spread around the area as she gasped for air. "I'm giving you 5 seconds to let her go or your body drops. 5.. 4..”. “Oh you're gonna regret this when I'm done with her”. “3. it doesn't have to end like this”. “ But it will” I laughed hysterically. “2…-”  “Pew, Pew, Pew, Pew” the sounds of gunshots went off behind me. Soon after it was a shootout.

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