Jaime - Lion Luck

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Y/n Stark flees Winterfell that Ramsey rules. Sansa her older sister sends her off to find Tyrion, but she bumps into his brother. Unknown to her he's been sent by Tyrion to protect her.

The snow falls heavily in my face as I run through the woods on horseback. Wearing a grey winter cloak over my hunting clothes. My older sister Sansa had to stay in our home with her evil husband, Ramsey. Later last night she'd helped me escape my own arrangement of a marriage to Walder Frey. The man who murdered my mother and older brother, Robb who was called King in the North. I stopped my horse seeing that I'm miles from the castle yet I still have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like someone's watching me.

Ella, my direwolf bares her teeth at someone approaching. Quickly I toss my cloak hood to shield my face. Praying it's not one of Ramsey's guards. "If you wouldn't mind calling off your wolf, I'm in need of directions." A male's voice spoke so my eyes drifted to see bright green and dirty blonde hair that can only belong to a Lannister. Jaime.

I remember seeing him with long blonde locks ride on his white horse the day king Robert Baratheon came to our home. He and I shared a dance and talked for a few hours but I knew then that he'd probably forget me once they left. "Ella heel! Where are you wanting to go, Kingslayer? I mean...Jaime" I spoke as she lays at my horses feet mumbling out his name. Not realizing the slip up immediately.

"Y/n, Is that you?" He questioned having his own horse walk closer to mine in an attempt to see my face. He remembered. But I tilt my head down blushing lightly with a slight grin. "I believe you're mistaken, my lord."

Yet he's still persistent to get a rise out of me. "On the contrary, lady wolf. There's only ever been one person that I met that calls me by my name instead of Kingslayer. Only one noble born woman I've met who carries a bow and arrow whether she's wearing a dress or not. And it is in fact you, Y/n Stark." Grabbing the hood of my cloak I toss it off rolling my eyes at the man. "Fine, it's me. Are you happy now you annoying Lion!"

He chuckles showing a bright smile for a short moment until seeing my clothes are slightly torn and there's some visible bruises from a few of Ramsey's guards. "Who's hurt you, Y/n?" I pull my cloak closer together shivering. "Ram-Ramsey's guards." Jaime dismounts his horse boots crunching in the snow to come stand beside my horse. "May I?" His real hand started to touch me hesitantly but I simply nod yes.

"Why are you out here by yourself?" His deep voice spoke gently as his hand runs up and down my arm soft to not hurt me more than I already am. "Sansa sent me. Ramsey has her locked up in the highest tower and only sees her to...to roughly sleep with her. We aren't allowed to send out letters for help, so she helped me escape and told me to find Tyrion. She sobbed that...he was the only person who could protect me. From becoming the wife of - Walder Frey!" I start to heavily sob at the awful memories.

Jaime takes my gloved hand in his, green eyes filled with regret. "My brother had to flee Kings Landing after being framed of killing Joffrey. After I helped him escape, he sent me to help free you and your sister." I stiffen at the thought of having no where to go and he squeezed my hand as I dismount my horse needing to hug him. "Winterfell and Kings Landing aren't safe, Jaime. I'm on my own with no one to trust!"

He runs his hand through my hair with his other arm and the golden hand holding me close to his chest. "Ssshh Y/n, I've got you. I made a vow to your mother and my brother that I'd find you. You and I will find a place to - I know a place we can go." Lifting my head from his chest I looked up at him teary eyed. "W-where. Where in Westeros is -safe?"

"My home. Casterly Rock." Jaime cups my face in his hands. "It's the most secure place to hide until we can find my brother and free your sister." I lightly grip his forearms, begging to the man I felt a connection with the day we met. "Kiss me, Jaime."

He parts his lips in shock searching my eyes. "What. Y/n why would you want me to?" I lightly squeeze his arms shivering under the thought of never feeling safe again. "I don't know if I'll ever feel truly safe again in my life...but right now I do. I feel safe in your hold. Ramsey will figure out I'm gone and when he does he'll tell the Freys and I'll be hunted down. I don't want to have regrets the moment I might die. I feel something for you, Jaime Lannister...you can call it love if you want. But all I care about is being by your side. So kiss me, Jaime please."

"When I left Winterfell with Robert I couldn't get you out of my head. You're different than anyone I've met. Y/n Stark, I love you too." He tilts my chin up leaning down to capture my lips. I immediately kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.

Sadly we need air and break apart still holding the other close. Tilting my head up once more I rest a hand to his cheek feeling a slight stubble on his chin. "Let's ride, Jaime." I climb on my horse again with him doing the same on his.

He stares at me moving two fingers from his eyes then pointing at me. "Onward to Casterly Rock, Y/n."

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