Jaime - Wolf Sword part 2

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Y/n Lannister rides into Winterfell with her husband, Jaime. But how will her family react to her return and an unexpected surprise.

Finally after a long ride on horseback we ride through the gate of Winterfell. The cold wind hits my face with small snowflakes sticking in my hair. King Robert Baratheon dismounts his horse causing everyone who lives in Winterfell to bow, following my father's actions. The family is lined up with Rickon, my mother and father, Robb, Sansa and Arya with Bran on the very end. My eyes watch the interaction before me. "Your Grace." My father rose when his king commands by the show of his gloved hand, everyone followed. "You've gotten fat." Is the kings first words to my father who eyes his friend before the pair hug chuckling. "Cat." The pair broke away to hug my mother who bowed after they hugged. He goes down the line. Shacking my eldest brother's hand. Smiling at Sansa and forgetting Arya's name. Having Bran show his muscles before he turned back to my father. "Nine years why haven't I seen ya. Where the hell have you been?" My father spoke of his duty as Warden of the North. "Guarding the North for you, your grace. Winterfell is yours." Cersei or as I should properly address her, the Queen steps out of the carriage heading to greet my parents.

Jaime lifts his helmet off shacking his golden locks about before eyeing me. I shuffle my dress skirts dismounting my horse making my sword hallster swing slightly out from under my cloak. He dismounts his horse to squeeze my hand as we slowly approach my parents. This is it the moment where I'm either rejected or loved after being away for 5 years. I curtsey before the pair as Jaime kisses my mother's outstretched hand. "My lord, my lady." I breathe out seeing my father looking me up and down. The gold and red colors of House Lannister combined with the grey and brown of House Stark. My mother does the same but makes a concerned face eyeing the sword attached to my hip. Luckily my father opened his arms gratefully and I rushed to them without a second thought. "Y/n, welcome home." I hug him back tightly clutching the furs of his cloak in laughter. "Thank you father. It's good to be back home after so long." My mother steps up to hug me as well voicing. "My darling girl. I've missed you." I broke the hug to smile sweetly at her. "I've missed you too, mother."

"So Lord Jaime have you been treating my daughter well?" My father's voice made me turn to see Jaime reply. "I have, Lord Stark. You raised a lovely daughter and between you and I she is very skilled with a sword." I immediately blush knowing my mother never approved of such things for young ladies. Sansa was always good about acting lady like. Arya on the other hand dreams of being a knight, seeing lady things as stupid. At least that is how it was wrote in the letters my mother sends me. "Yes Indeed father. But Jaime only taught me at my request to learn how to use one." My father nods seeing Jaime and I both smiling. Even though my mother doesn't fully trust my husband I can see a small smile on her face as well. Enjoyed at the sight of me being as happy with my arrangement as she has been with her own to my father for years now.

"Y/n!" Arya's young voice squeals out charging my direction and breaking the neat line. I grunt a little at her embracing me so quickly. "Arya." But I bend down on my knees to hug her reguardless. "Where's the imp?" She questioned grinning at my sword. "Tyrion is off having a few drinks before the feast." I reply ruffling her hair. "You have a sword. Can you teach me how to use one, please?" She drags out the last word a little longer tugging at my arm gently. I grin big at her desire to wield a sword reminding me of how much I remember being like her at that age. I secretly want to tell her she can do whatever she wants. But I know our mother is trying to raise her to be a proper lady not a boy. Tilling my head up to Jaime I see a huge grin on his face of our interaction. "I do believe my husband and I may have some time to teach you....out by where the servants wash the clothes." I whispered low in her ear so no one else could hear making her grin bigger.

"Arya. You shouldn't have done that!" Sansa barks but I playfully shake my head as both Bran and Rickon join in knocking me backwards into the dirt. All three aweing at my return home. "Alright, that's enough. They'll be plenty of time to play with your sister later. But she and her husband need to get ready for the feast tonight." My mother explained pulling the three to their feet and they all ran off to play. Jaime holds out his open hands pulling me to my feet gently helping me dust off my dress a little. "It's a joy to see you finally home, sister." Robb finally spoke coming to gently hug me.

"Yes. It's been awhile since I saw you last, Robb. Wasn't it a year after my wedding and you were still following me around like a lost dog." Robb chuckles and I loved hearing it once more. "Yes, well I only wanted to ensure you were safe. I am your older brother after all." I giggled at his gentleness. Robb is the oldest to everyone else except me. I was born the first Stark child but he was born the first Male so he gets to reign over Winterfell. Shortly after though I feel my head starting to spin and my stomach moans like I must have eaten something spoiled. "Y/n, darling. What ever is the matter?" I sway in my boots instantly Jaime noticed securing his arms around my waist to hold me up and I can hear the panic in his voice.

I feel like I'm about to vomit so I put a hand over my mouth mumbling out. "I don't know - I think I'm gonna be sick." My father exclaimed for Jon, his bastard son to help me as he was standing behind Sansa. "Jon help your sister!" My mother ordered Robb to tag along. "Robb, take her to the Master. I'll be up to check on her shortly!"

Jaime hands me over to my brother's arms eyeing my uneasy state with fear. I squeeze his right hand in mine before Robb carries me bridal style inside the castle. Jon opens the door to my old chambers running to fetch the old man. Robb started to lay me down but I forced myself away from him to vomit in the chamber pot on the floor. He bends on a knee holding my hair back as I puked up whatever was upsetting my stomach. Why is this happening. I know I hadn't ate anything rotten before we left the Red Keep.

Finally Jon appeared with the Master who assures both of them out at once. He helped me to lay down in the bed making sure I was done vomiting. He examines my body and asking me questions related to if I were pregnant. "When was the last time you concemated with your husband, Lord Lannister?" I croked out. "About a month ago..." He asked me next resting his hands over my stomach feeling around for something. "When was the last time you've bleed?" I bite my lip having to think for a moment. "The end of last month." The master stood exiting the room without a word to return with my mother who gently closed the door behind herself.

"Mother, what did he say?" My voice cracked when the words came out. I hope it isn't a fatal illness that has come for me. I loved Jaime and I didn't ever want to leave him. She takes a seat at my bedside after pulling up a chair, a slight smile on her face as she takes my hand in hers. "Y/n, honey everything is quite alright. Robb informed me that you puked once you got up here." I nod my head yes feeling my heart race in such concern. "Yes, I did. But what does that have to do with this?"

She rests her other hand over our intertwined ones. "Darling have you and Jaime tried to have children before?" I raise my brows at her question. Of course we had. That was the duty of a wife and Tywin Lannister was insistent we provided an heir to Casterly Rock. Although I had fallen pregnant twice during the first four years of our union but sadly I'd lost both of them. Finally Jaime and I agreed to try one last time and if I lost the child then we would discuss the news with his father. Tyrion has told me their father probably wouldn't be pleased to hear the circumstances but I haven't fallen pregnant so there hasn't been a need to worry.

My mother's smile grows bigger as she reveals with joy. "Y/n. You're with child." I hang my mouth open in shock and horror at the thought of losing another child. At the possibility of having to face a furious Tywin Lannister. But also the joy to know Jaime and I could be parents to the next lord or lady Lannister. "I'm pregnant." How will Jaime react. How will the rest of my family react.

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