Jaime - Wolf Sword part 1

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The oldest daughter of Ned Stark has been married to Jaime for 5 years. The pair spar with swords before riding to Winterfell. Hoping her family will welcome her home.

"Relax your dominant arm, Y/n." Jaime instructs as I swing with my right arm out more even though I'm holding the sword in both hands. "If you use the same move all the time you're opponent can learn which arm is the weakest." Our swords smack against each other before gently shoves me backwards in the training yard that overlooks the water outside of the Red Keep.

Today exactly mark's 5 years since I left Winterfell and became future lady Lannister of Casterly Rock. Wife to Jaime Lannister, who used to be a member of the Kings Guard. Earned the nickname Kingslayer after killing the Mad King. King Robert Baratheon released him from his vows to strike an alliance with my father his dear friend, Eddard Stark. I'm the oldest child of the Stark's but Robb will become Lord and Warden of the North. Going from being a sixteen year old to a married twenty-one year old woman, a lot has changed.

I spin in my boots wearing a tunic and trousers with my hair partly pulled back as I take a swing at him. He sees the attack and dodges to take a swing at my side but misses. A year after we had been married I convinced him to teach me how to swing a sword. The whole marriage went pretty well for the most part he told me that he had an affair with his sister and that her children were not Robert's, but after that we've never kept anything secret. My sister in-law, Cersei has made attempts to get him back but he's brushed her off every single time.

"Jaime?" I grunt taking another swing at him. He swung back circling me to make our sword press against one another for a moment. "Yes, my darling." He steps back a little sword still raised as I get back in a fighting stance. "I'm nervous for my arrival home. What if my family despises me for being a Lannister now?"

I raise my sword trying to strike him but he lightly elbows me in my side to strike me from below. But as I've said it's been 5 years to learn his moves. I switch my sword to my left hand for a moment to knock his away. "You're form is better than the last time." He complimented to my reply. "Thanks -uh!" I grunted out pressing my sword against his. He pressed his sword against mine never losing gaze with mine. His green eyes holding love with his face remaining the serious one he uses in battle. We never break the hold on each other as he finally answers my earlier question.

"I don't see a reason why they'd despise you. You are still their daughter after all. Just because you were married of to me shouldn't change anything. Besides hopefully they'll see I was a good match for you, a good choice they made." I softly corrected his words. "It wasn't so much a choice since Robert is king and can order anything of a lord of lady." Jaime nods his head the wind blowing his long blonde locks. "Fair enough, my wolf. But we grew to love this arrangement none the less. Especially behind closed doors." He smiled softly showing his bright smile making me blush.

"Jaime, I-uh..." He started to loosen his hold on his sword when we pushed the other back but suddenly he knocked my sword from my left hand, knowing we both are dominant in our right hands. I dodge his next attack to reveal a dagger from inside my boot and block his sword coming down on me. "Impressive, lady Y/n." He parts his lips when I push his sword down getting up from being on my knees. "Thank you, my Lord."

He smirks tugging me to his chest by my shirt. Without a second thought my arms wrapped around his neck once I hide the dagger again. He puts his sword in his holder on his belt, resting his hands on my hips. "Tell me wherever did you learn that?" I tilted my head to the side grinning proudly that I'd impressed the eldest Lion. "A Stark has to always be prepared. Winter is coming."

"Well said, my love. But I do believe I owe you a reward, for winning the fight." I lean up on tippy toes since he's taller than me. "And what might that be, my lion?" He leans down allowing me to rest my feet flat on the ground once more. His breath mixing with mine as he captures my lips with his own. "A Lannister always pays his debt after all." He vows once we break for air but I pull him in for another kiss that gets more passionate when I tug at his golden locks and his hands run up my sides to cup my face in his hands. We would've stayed like this for much longer if it wasn't for someone interrupting.

"My lord, my lady?" A servant bows at us as we broke the kiss. "I'm terribly sorry to intrude but I was sent to inform you that the royal family is ready to depart and your horses are ready." Whipping my head up at my husband I beamed with joy. "Horses. Meaning I don't have to ride in a carriage with your sister?" Jaime brushed loose hair from in front of my eyes smiling. "Yes, darling. I figured you'd want to ride alongside me and the King." I hugged his side happily before we headed into the castle to get changed.

Truth be told Jaime hated the North because of always being cold. So used to the warm climate of Kings Landing. But I was prepared without a thought. A saddled up horse, a sword attached to my hip and wearing a dress of gold silk, some of my hair braided into a crown. "I do believe you're missing something, lady Y/n." Jaime's voice approached me as I see he's holding something behind his back, now wearing his old Kings Guard armor under the kings approval. "Why my lion whatever could I have forgotten?" I asked playfully with a smile.

"I do believe this..." He reveals my Winterfell cloak I wore when I moved to Kings Landing. It was the only thing I had been allowed to bring with me. The cloak is covered with brown and grey fur with the Stark direwolf symbol on the clip. Dismounting my horse I squealed as he sets it on my shoulders allowing me to clip it together myself. "I can't believe you kept it. I thought all reminence of me being a Wolf was gone." He rests a hand to my cheek. "You may no longer bare the Stark name but it's still a part of you. May I?" He holds out his open palm to help me back onto my horse before climbing on his white horse.

He puts his helmet over his head while I feel his sister's evil gaze burning in the back of my head knowing she saw Jaime and me actually enjoying ourselves. Grabbing the reigns of my horse gently I tugged them forward following Jaime on the road to my former home. A concerned feeling in my gut that my family will treat me differently since I've been a Lannister.

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