Jaime - Ice Wife part 1

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Request from @deepprincesstraveler
on Tumblr. Their Wattpad name is TillyG584 Jaime Lannister x Stark Reader that has ice powers like Elsa from Frozen. The two have an arranged marriage.

Kings landing is no place for someone like me. Someone with my type of powers. Ice belongs in the North. Back at Winterfell, my home. Yet being Y/n Stark, the oldest daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark means you don't get what you want. Months have passed since my father's beheading with the murder of my brother Robb and mother. Slowly I pick up a dinner knife I stole from the kitchen. My hands slowly turns it into an icy weapon. I quietly shrieked dropping it to the floor of my chambers. Suddenly a knock comes from my locked door. "Lady Y/n?" The voice of Tyrion Lannister came back. I stumbled to hide the frozen knife under my bed and putting my grey gloves back on before opening the door. "Yes my lord?"

He slowly entered my chambers gestering between us with his left hand. "Y/n I thought we'd come to an agreement to call me Tyrion. I've come to escort you to have lunch with my brother and I...so that your first meeting isn't at the altar." I simply nod holding my hands together in front of me. No one can explain why I have ice powers. Luckily my father found these gloves that help block my powers. Nonetheless I've been given werid looks for wearing gloves in a place so warm, Tyrion and I became fast friends for people judging us while we wait for the return of his brother. My betrothed Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer.

Tyrion leads me into his chambers where a table with three plates of food are set out. Three glasses of wine included. Tyrion sits at one end of the table and I sit in between. Someone entered the room and I instantly knew who it was, short blonde hair and green eyes of Jaime. He sees me giving me a weak smile hiding his right arm behind his back sitting down at the other end of the table to join us. "Finally we're all here. Y/n this is my brother Jaime. Jaime, this is Y/n. I thought this would be the best option until our father arrives tomorrow from Casterly Rock. He's sent word that he wants to make this to be a quick wedding considering our king is to be married a few days after that." I slowly rest my hands together on the table eyeing Jaime, who is in fact as handsome as all the young maidens say. Even though he's 32 and I'm 16 years old. He's still doing pretty well - except for losing his right hand.

"A toast to the proud Lannister children. The dwarf, the crippled and the mother of madness." Tyrion raises his glass. Jaime reaches for his cup but knocked mine over with his left arm. The wine spills on one of my gloves for the servant to try and help. "My lady I can get-" But I yank my right hand back when he reaches for it. "No, it's alright." Jaime gives him a look and he leaves. "I'm sorry Lady Y/n." He breathes out not making eye contact with me. I stare into his eyes seeing regret in them, then look to the golden right hand. "I can't fight anymore..." I lean up on the table making some of my hair fall over my shoulders. "That's not true, Jaime." Tyrion aims his index finger my direction stating. "She's right. Train then, learn to fight with your other hand. And it just so happens I know a discreet swordsman."

Hours later Jaime and I head down to where he's to meet his brothers swordsman. "Lady Y/n why do you think I can learn to fight with my other hand?" He finally spoke as we wait for the swordsman as my eyes watch the waves of the water. "My father always told us we could do anything we wanted. My youngest sister Arya wanted to be a knight, my younger sister Sansa wanted to marry a prince and then there's me..." Jaime rests his left arm on a rock staring my way. "And what is it you want, lady Y/n?" To not hide my powers. "I'm not sure...I've never been overly excited about being married off. I don't imagine anyone has ever been." He sighs looking to his golden hand weakly. "It doesn't help I'm a crippled now-" I cut him off hearing footsteps approaching. "Don't doubt yourself Lannister. You're brother doesn't, just call me Y/n by the way." He lifts his head weakly smiling. "Only if you call me Jaime and not Kingslayer."

"A lady shouldn't be out here. I'd hate to have her watch me knock you on your ass." The swordsman finally arrived. "Oh don't fear. I'm hear to simply watch, Ser..." I trailed off waiting for his name. He sticks out his hand shacking mine. "Bronn, my lady..." I nod introducing myself before he pulls out sparring swords. "Y/n." Jaime walked to pick it up. "I haven't used a sparring sword since I was nine." But Bronn knocked the sword from his hand. "Bold warrior you are attacking a man when his guard's down." Jaime spoke picking up the sword. Bronn rolls his eyes starting the fight. "Best time to attack a man."

The pair fight for a little while and I hesitantly remove the glove from my right hand. Placing it on the rock behind my back trying to control my breathing. The hard rock slowly turns into ice like the knife this morning. Unlike Jaime I can't simply train to not use my powers. "Y/n!" Jaime's voice pulled me back to reality. Sloppily I put my glove back on hoping the ice on the rock will melt in the hot sun quickly. Turning around in my dress I see he's carrying his sword waiting for me. "I'll escort you to your chambers if you'd like." His green eyes lock with my grey ones.

"Sure. I wouldn't mind your company." He holds out his right arm for me and I loop my arm through his. "I'm not pleased with our arrangement either. But I'll do my best to be a good husband for you." He says once we reach my chamber door. Brushing some hair behind my ear I give a soft smile. "And I will try to be a good and honest wife to you, Jaime Lannister." Well a good wife at the least. No one else can know about my powers. The only person I can trust is Sansa.

Part 2 coming soon

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