Tyrion - Wife in Need

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Request from @supermystic29 on Tumblr. Can you do a Tyrion one short where he comes back from being away finding his wife is upset because she found  out her family was killed.  And she has not moved  from her room at all and he trys to help her.

Tyrion had finally returned home to King's Landing after being away for so long all he wanted was to spend time with his two loves wine and his wife Y/n. Entering your shared chambers he knew something was wrong in an instant by a couple empty wine bottles on the floor and your body buried underneath the covers. Removing his boots he spotted something crumpled up on the desk so he unfolds it seeing a horrible letter that he could assume had come from Joffrey to torture you. "That ungrateful child. How dare he send this to you girls. Hasn't he hurt you both enough." He grumbles throwing the note that said your mother and brother Robb were murdered.

The ladies in waiting had been gossiping that Sansa had stopped eating and that you refused to get out of bed for any reason. Tyrion gently climbed into bed lifting up the covers to see my face as I clutched my hands around the Stark necklace I wore. "Why would they - why did they have to kill them - why Tyrion." I sobbed shuttering for breath which broke his heart. You were the middle Stark girl who was forced to marry him because Jaime had joined the Kingsgaurd before you were to Wed. "I'm sorry my little wolf. I'm sorry that you have been brought into a family who is so cruel and uncaring of others emotions." He softly replied brushing hair from my bloodshot eyes feeling me scoot up against his body pulling him underneath the covers too.

"Tyrion, I just want to stay under here where nothing bad can happen to me or my sister anymore." I croaked out hoping he would just let me live in a blanket fort. He interviewed our freehands together resting his chin ontop of my head whispering. "Little wolf I wish we could. But I fear that would only hurt you girls more if you just hid away from everything." He stares at me with those green eyes and a weak smile on his lips. Sniffing out in tears I mumbled against his tunic shirt. "I'm afraid to be alone anymore Tyrion." Once that was said he knew things were going to change around here. He would spend more time with you and Sansa instead of worrying about his father's wishes, he already has a Stark added into the family that should be enough for now.

The covers shifted off of me so I opened my eyes seeing Tyrion trying to pull me out of the bed. "What are you doing. I don't want to leave this room." I scoot over so my feet toych the floor seeing him hand me one of his shirts and trousers instead of one of the dresses. "We're not leaving the room. I'm simply helping you out of the bed you to change and eat something." Slowly getting out of the bed I felt him unty the back of my dress then turning around as to not look since we agreed we would wait to sleep together until I was ready. Pulling on the clothes he gave me he turned back around taking my hands in his. "I promise after today you will be by my side wherever I go. I love you and will protect you Y/n." He leans up on his toes kissing my lips making me smile. "I love you too Tyrion." We ended up sitting the table in the sunlight from the window just holding each other and waiting for our food.

Comments really appreciated :)

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