Jaime - Kingslayer Prisoner pt 3 (final part)

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Jaime and Y/n finish their conversation in his tent and they get closer than they thought they would

If things weren't already complicated enough with me being a Tully who just lost her family and Jaime being the Lannister that caused it. No now I was standing in front of the man trying to stop my hands from shaking before I made an attempt to close the wound. To top it all off the golden lion was shirtless in front of me and I could feel my face was hot meaning I was a blushing mess before his green eyes. "Jaime...I...I don't know what to say. I've never even kissed anyone until the other night. I don't know what I feel for you...argh seven hells!"

"But you do feel something for me though. I'm not wrong about that am I Y/n?" He lifted his head slightly upward meeting my blue gaze. He reached for with his real hand wrapping his fingers around the needle causing me to drop the blade onto the floor.

Jaime gently tugged me forward where I stumbled over my own boots straight onto his lap. "Jaime - Woah. Maybe I do but I don't really know what to do with something like that." I shook my head at him with my hands resting on his shoulders so I didn't fall of his lap, not like he would let me hit the hard dirt ground.

The golden lion slowly raises his real hand up to cradle my cheek in his palm. He leans forward closing the gap slowly but what caught me off guard was the fact that he was kissing me. "Typically this happens, Tully girl." I gasped taken back by his forewordness. But something inside me decided to not fight against the feeling immediately yet I rather wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back as best as I could since I wasn't sure if I was doing it right.

"Am I doing this the wrong way. I mean you're with your sister. And I was just disowned by my uncle and all...mmm." I moaned into another kiss when Jaime crashed his lips back onto mine and I couldn't fight back om how good it felt to kiss him.

Everyone in the seven kingdoms knew who this man was now. Everyone knew that he broke his vow and killed the Mad King. That he slept with his sister. To create three bastard children that everyone thought were Robert Bartheon's. "I'm not thinking about my sister. I haven't been able to think about my sister since I got to meet you. You've consumed my every thought, Y/n Tully."

"What are we supposed to do with this then. You're a Kingsguard and I am the abandoned niece of Brynden Tully. We can't just go running off together like in the takes of royalty can we?" I drew back searching hus eyes for any hesitation knowing that he was probably playing with me since most didn't trust any Lannister.

Quickly I attempted to move off of his lap yet he only tightened his arms around my waist keeping me closer to him. "We could run away, Y/n. My lord father is gone and that means that I could be in charge of his house."

"But what about your vow to the Kingsguard for life. To take no wife, hold no lands and father no children. You'd break a vow to be with me a girl you know nothing about." Pushing my hands against his chest I tried to put distance between us somehow.

Jaime blurted out where I stiffened my back while he spoke. "I've already broken so many vows. I don't care what people say of me anymore. Not if it gives me the chance to spend my life with you. So what do you say, will you become Lady Lannister. Will you be with me?"

Staring at the lion holding me close to him my heart was beating against my chest. I was always confident compared to most young girls who would see his handsome face. "Yes...yes Jaime. If you wish to run from your sister. I will run with you." I mumbled out blushing longingly at him moving my hands to rest on his shoulders to steady myself.

"Can I kiss you now cause I'm not good with words for long." He asked me moving his real hand back up to cradle my face in his palm.

"You may." I nodded simply with a childish smile.

Without much of a warning Jaime Lannister crashed his lips onto mine deeply and I fling my arms around his neck kissing him back. Our bodies were pressed together as much as we possibly could. He had his golden hand on my lower back with his other running through my auburn hair until we needed air. "I would have never become a Kingsguard if I knew I would get to marry you, Y/n." He declares through a raspy voice focusing his bright green eyes on me.

Once I had caught my breath I moved my hands underneath my tunic shirt removing it and my trousers before I pressed my lions back onto his. The Lion immediately kissed back where he picked me up never breaking the kiss. He walked towards the bed and dropped me down to the bed. My back hit the soft silk sheets before I rose up from the bed staring at him softly. "I don't know what to do. My sisters each had different opinions of how this is supposed to feel..."

"And how did they describe it, hmm?" He brought my fingers to his lips, kissing them softly for a moment before releasing them.

"Cat said that it will hurt at first but then after that you will learn to enjoy it. And Lysa says that it's like someone is trying to break you. I'm not really sure which one of them I should believe." I wrapped my arms around myself watching him when he climbed off the bed standing before me.

Jaime shifted his gaze downward over my entire body. Moving my fingers down I searched for something to grab onto so I was used to being able to calm myself down by archery practice or with a sword. But right now I didn't have much of a choice. "If you want to know what this will be like I'll tell you this. It's uncomfortable and they're will be pain like you've taken a hit from a sword. But I'll do my best to make it enjoyable for you."

"I trust you, Jaime. I owe you my life and my heart after all." I grinned up at the golden lion wrapping my hands around his neck drawing him in for another kiss before our bodies became one. Both of us moaning and kissing like crazy until we reached our end point. Jaime laid down beside me when we got underneath the covers holding each other. "I guess it wasn't so bad I became your prisoner."

He kissed the crown of my head squeezing me against his warm chest smiling down at me seeing my eyes slowly close and we both drifted off to sleep for the night. "I'd take you prisoner again if it means I get to call you mine."

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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