Tyrion - Lannister Heir

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Request from tyrionsprincess29 on Tumblr. Do you think you can do a tyrion short  where his wife is haveing there baby and watches over the baby as she is geting some sleep from the brith . And he names their son after Sana and his wife older bother Robb.

Throwing my head back onto the pillow completely tired my hands stopped clutching the bedsheets after I try to get my heartbeat down from birthing my child. The nurses left the room helping me get comfortable for the night. The chamber door opened for me to see Tyrion enter carrying a infant in his arms, our child. "He's perfect Y/n." He breaths out a huge grin, actually probably the biggest one I've ever seen is on his face. He comes to sit beside me on the bed letting me hold our son. Brushing my hand over his sleeping face I saw the red curls that match my brown hair and he opened his eyes flashing lion green at me.

I released a yawn feeling my husband rest a hand up brushing hair behind my ear whispering. "Get some sleep my love. I'll watch the little lion." He puts our son in his lap as I pulled the covers over me snuggling into Tyrion's side. He draped one arm over my shoulder and his other arm holds the baby close to his chest. Tyrion was afraid that you might die in child birth like his mother. But you proved to be as strong as your mother Catelyn. I started snoring a little making him chuckle at your cute little habit. When you were in a deep sleep you would snore and sometimes druel on your pillow. To most it was annoying but to someone like him it was adorable.

"Hi my little lion it's your father." I whispered looking to my son in my arms then to my beautiful wife sound asleep. I had been waiting outside the door clutching the fabric of my tunic hearing her crying from the hours of pain. Word was sent to my father Tywin about the babies arrival that probably pleased him that I am carrying on our family line. "I'm gonna promise you something little one even though you don't understand anything I'm saying. I promise from this day until my last to be nothing like my father. To let you do whatever you wish with all your heart." The little boy tugs at my curls tugging them.

Y/n stirs in her sleep beside me draping her legs over mine under the covers because she's a very cuddling person. Before our wedding her sister Sansa told me some things about her so we didn't feel like strangers to one another. Thinking of Sansa I bit my tongue knowing the name for our child. "You my little lion son shall be named after the young wolf. You shall be Robb Lannister." A smile appears on my wife's face in her sleep and I mirror it knowing she and her sister shall love the name, the name that was their brother's.

Comments really appreciated :)

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