Jaime - Lannister Intentions

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ReaderCrazy2 requested Jaime does everything he can to make an innocent reader his. Y/n Stark knows he's the bad guy.

Jaime Lannister is dropped down at my feet as I stand by mother my twin brother Robb standing on my other side. The lion has mud in his blonde hair and a cut across his face with blood. "Lady Stark, I'd offer you my sword but I've seemed to have lost it." He voiced in laboured breathless eyeing me up and down with a smirk. Mother warned me of this man, Kingslayer she calls him. That he's a bad man that pushed Bran from the tower. I don't know who to believe. Ever since I was born I've been more innocent than Sansa was when she first met Prince Joffrey. I convinced father to let me stay in Winterfell not needing to see Kings Landing.

"Have you grown fond of me, my lady. This is in fact the second time we've encountered one another?" Stepping into his cell he joked while chained to a post. Tugging my cloak tightly around me I stand by the door so I'm far away from him. "No I don't Ser Lannister." He tilts his head to the side his green eyes staring into mine. "Does your mother know her innocent girl is inside my cell. That she wants me to share her bed." I feel my cheeks turn bright red at the thought. I've never kissed a man so the very thought of sleeping with the enemy is something entirely different.

The first time I saw him I fell for his charming looks. He sure has a bigger ego than any Lord I know in Winterfell. But I can see something behind the wall he has built, something that excites me. My mother would scold me if she knew. Though the next he tries to seduce me is when I'm a prisoner in the Red Keep. My dress ripped where I'm almost bear done by Cersei's guards. "Funny how the rolls are reversed, Kingslayer." I mumbled as he stands inside my cell bringing some light into the room with a lit torch in his left hand. His right hand gone now a golden hand in its place.

"My lady, I could maybe help you escape your fate. If you trust me-" I cut him off throwing a rock at him making him take a few steps backwards. "Stop calling me My lady, you know my name. I'll never trust you - not after all the things you've done to my family. You're a bad man, Jaime Lannister!" He hangs the torch on the hook bending down on a knee to be my level. His left hand cupped my face turning it so we're looking at one another. "Y/n, I want you it's true. I want you as my own, no one else's. But I also don't you're head on a spike by my sister."

His green eyes searched mine for an answer but their as cold as a direwolf. "I'd break you out of here and go on the run for the rest of my life. I'd cut down anyone who tried to harm you. I'd even become Lord of Casterly Rock like my father wants. Break another vow, whatever I have to. So long as I'd get to kiss you, make love to you, and get to call you mine." He starts to get up but I clutch his tunic without realizing it. I can feel my mother's voice in the back of my mind he's the enemy she'd say. But in my innocent eyes every man who treats a woman unfairly is a bad guy. Jaime bends down on his knee once again softly whispering. "What is it, Y/n?"

"Kiss me." He parts his lips taken back by those words. Lifting my hands to rest on his shoulders I stare deeply into the Lannister green. His left hand coming back to rest against my cheek. "If this is to be my last night in this world. At least let me have my first kiss to be with you. No one else is like you, Jaime. Let me keep my innocence with you." Jaime leans forward gently pressing his lips to mine which is a strange thing to the eldest lion. Being so used to having to quick in his affections. "You needn't hold back, Jaime. Give me everything." I breathe out breaking the kiss for a moment.

He wasted no more time being slow instead he crashes his lips down to mine. My arms wrapped around his neck deepening the kiss. Even though I don't have very good experience I manage to follow his actions. His left hand tilted my chin up as he's still taller than me being on his knees. My fingers get tangled in his short blonde locks until we break for air. "I should've opened my heart to you sooner, Jaime Lannister." I smiled but it turned into a smirk when he leans down giving me one last passionate kiss. "Let's not regret anything my innocent wolf. I swear I'll not let my sister take you from me, Y/n Stark." I tugged him into another kiss by his tunic one more time until he closed the prison door. Maybe the old and new Gods will let me live.

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