Robb - Dany's Daughter

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Request from LydiaStarkWinterfell Robb falls for the only daughter of Daenerys but her daughter hides about who she really is. Robb comes back from a mission and confesses his love finding out the truth. (First ever Robb Request)

Pulling my hood up I do the best I can to hide my slightly white Targaryen hair. Entering the camp of the King in the North I wait quietly in Robb's tent. He's supposed to be coming back from a meeting with the Frey's to marry one of his men to one of an old man's daughters. The young wolf believes I'm from somewhere in Westeros. But I was stood off like my mother as a way of protection. Luckily most of the time I lie and have my hood up saying I'm not used to the harsh cold.

My mother's brother is the one who shipped me off promising to marry me to a great house, Lannister I think it was. I met my husband to be on a battlefield where he is fighting the young wolf. Robb took me in saying that no woman should be forced to marry a Lannister. That'd they killed his father and have his sisters locked away in Kings Landing. He wants Revenge for what the lions have done.

The tent flap opens and I look over my shoulder to see the man himself. "This is a surprise to find you in my tent, M'lady." He had ditched his armor in another tent leaving him in a tunic and trousers. He'd recently captured Jaime Lannister or Kingslayer as I heard most people whisper about. "Well I thought it'd be best if I waited for you in some place warmer. " He takes a seat beside me at the table eyeing my dagger attached at my hip. I felt I needed to be prepared.

"Lady Y/n, you are nothing like any girl I've met. Although you remember me of my youngest sister Arya." He chuckled showing his bright smile which was rare to see in times like this. "She always wanted to carry around a sword and wear trousers." A grin masks my face at the thought. Somehow I feel like I can tell him who I really am and he'll let me keep my head. "Robb, what would you say if I told you I'm not from here. Who my mother really is...." He reaches across the table taking my hands in his smiling sweetly.

He clears his throat speaking before I do, clearly wanting to get something off his chest. "Only if you expect that I have feelings for you. You warm my heart every time you walk in the room. You're fierce too, not taking crap from anybody." I squeeze his hands staring into his eyes. "I have feelings for you too. But mother is Daenerys Targaryen." Robb parts his lips slightly. He'd heard the rumor of the dragons that sat on the Iron Throne in childhood stories.

Slowly rising to my feet I try to leave but he snags my wrist making me stop. "You don't have to run Y/N. I'll protect you I promise." Robb leans down kissing me and i gasped a little shocked. But slowly I wrap my arms around his neck, twisting my fingers in his hair kissing him back deeply..

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