Jaime - Fairy Accident

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Request from Babygurle36 Margaery's younger sister is married to Jaime and he finds out about her fairy powers by accident.

Opening my eyes I stretch out in the soft bed. Seeing Jaime is already up staring down at me with a grin. "Morning little rose." I yawn rolling onto my side smiling. "Morning. How long have you been up?" He replied brushing some messy hair behind my ear. "Not too long. Just long enough to stare at my beautiful wife." A blush rose to my cheeks before I lean up kissing him softly. He kisses back running his left hand through my hair.

My older sister Margaery by 3 years was married to his nephew Joffrey. Tywin Lannister has wanted his eldest to marry for years. So he arranged our marriage quickly. I wasn't open to it as first but once I learned who he was beyond the attractive looks and arrogance he's actually a great husband.

"So I have a thought Y/n..." He mumbles into my hair as I lay my head on his bare chest. "What is it?" He lifts my chin up to look at him. "We should just stay in bed all day." I giggle against his chest before getting up and throwing on my nightgown. "Jaime what about breakfast?' He comes to rest his chin on my shoulder arms around my waist looking out the window with a warm breeze.

He starts trailing kisses up my neck making me moan. My right hand intertwined with his left while my left touched a dead rose on the windowsill. "Did you just do that, honey?" His voice meets my ear seeing it was now a bright red and full of life in my hand. Dang it Y/n. Now you've done it. Somehow I was born with the powers of a fairy in ways of healing and restoring nature. My mother said it was fitting for our house symbol, but a worry if anyone found out.

"Jaime would you not love me anymore if I told you a secret?" I freeze in my place before turning around in his arms. "Nothing you ever tell me will make me stop loving you." He says planting a kiss to my forehead. I close my eyes taking a deep breath looking deeply into his green eyes.

"I can manipulate nature." He raises a brow referring to the healed rose. "Like healing Rose's?" I nod my head waiting for him to storm out of the room and get me Imprisoned. "That's beautiful my lady lion. It's means you're special and I'm a lucky man." He leans down capturing my lips with his smiling brightly.

I wrap my arms around his neck pulling my flesh to his. He slowly backs up towards the bed, pulling me with him. He hovers above me when we break for air both grinning brightly. "I love you, Jaime Lannister. Thank for accepting who I am."

He leans down capturing my lips passionately once more. "It's only fair. You did it with me when I lost my hand." My hands untie my knight gown pulling him down to me excitedly. "No matter what I'll always love you, Y/n Lannister."

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